Is this petty? An argument with the neighbours

by needproof 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • needproof

    Hi Scully, isn't it sad when you have to worry about stuff like laundry baskets and bins? I am glad you agree that stealing a bin is socially unacceptable, as I have said before, it sounds petty but it is the principle of the thing.

    We did actually have two bins because of all the recycling we had been doing, but in the time of the Russians being there, they have both now gone missing. I know that they have the second bin, but I don't know where the first bin went. Both were clearly marked with my house number on every side of the bin. It just seems a massive coincidence that they have both gone missing now that I know what happened to the second one.

  • Finally-Free

    Stop using your bin. Put your garbage in his bin and let him carry it out.


  • needproof

    Hi Sunnygal. What is it with ignorant people? Loud neighbors are the worst of the lot. To cap it off they have made no attempt to strike up conversation. When we come back, say, in the car, we turn to them and say a hello and are met with silence. But I know for a fact he can speak slight English at least, so that is no excuse.

  • needproof

    Finally free, that's a good idea. It looks as though there is somebody there throughout the day, if not, I would probably do what you suggest.

  • bluesapphire
    it is a thread about a group of people living next to me who steal my trashcan, and I happen to believe that loud gatherings of people shouting at each other in a quiet neighborhood when they have only just arrived is pretty unsociable. Did you not read the bits about integration?

    Hey, I'm not picking a fight with you! I'm stating my opinion. You're the one who brought up that they were speaking Russian as if it mattered. Had you left out that, then you'd have a basis for responding that it doesn't matter. My bad about the "white" comment. I should have said "different", not "white".

    I think people use the word "integration" to mean "become as I am". So no, I don't believe in this type of "integration". I believe people should be proud of their cultures and keep them and pass them on from generation to generation. I know some cultures are louder than others such as Latins, Greeks and Russians. Have you heard of tolerance? It means tolerating things that you might not like. If your neighborhood is quiet, well maybe it needs to come alive. Maybe this will be a new trend. Either way, if my neighbors were outside having a good time I would be happy for them. I might even mix up some margaritas and invite myself over!

    As far as the trash-bin. I totally agree with you. I think they're being rude! On a positive note, someday you will have this as a funny antecdote to relate in a social gathering. It's almost sit-com worthy. But for now, I would call the police. How annoying.

  • greendawn

    If I were you I would be tough with them that seems to be the only language they understand and being foreigners they should have respect for the culture and ethos of the country where they are guests. What they did is quite blatant they took a bin that is clearly yours so you should stop them in their tracks. If after you have been nice to them they don't take any hints hit them hard.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle
  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    BlueSsphire, Please explain to me how Needproofs comments were racist but the following comment made by you is not?

    I know some cultures are louder than others such as Latins, Greeks and Russians.

  • bluesapphire

    On second thought, maybe you should mix up a pitcher of margaritas, go over there and introduce yourself and while you're there happen to notice your trash-bin. Then you can say, "Hey! There's my trash-bin. I was wondering why I suddenly had this old junky one! See here it has my address on it." After they had your margaritas and see your friendly nature, they'll probably just give it back to you.

  • bluesapphire

    Firt of all I don't know of he is racist or not. But bringing up that they speak loudly in Russian and then talking about integrating as though they need to conform lead me to believe that he's a little overly sensitive to other cultures.

    Mentioning that some cultures have certain characteristics is not racist. (I'm Latin and know all about loud Latin families) Intolerance of those characteristics IS racism.

    It's no different than saying that the British culture seems to be more refined or proper. It's just their culture. I would be tolerant of that even though it wouldn't be very fun for me and I personally wouldn't choose it.

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