How did the 144,000 know they had "the feeling?"

by themonster123 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    This is one of my big peeves with the society, that they have literally cut-off God's blessings from their own people by creating this false exclusivity. Matthew 23:13-39

    JW's close up heaven and blockade the Lord's evening meal from sharing.

    The treat the vast numbers of publishers like yapping dogs at the dinner table who beg for scraps.

    What a lovely religion!

  • jgnat
    Tatiana: So, I asked him if he was still "anointed," and he told me he was. ??????

    See? It's a non-exclusive condition. Little Toe has it too, and it hasn't seemed to hurt him.

  • VanillaMocha73

    My mom - nothing special. I think she just has the good sense to know that she has a relationship with God (from being in Christianity before) and that carries forward to "anointed" in the JW books. My ex-husband, he wants the prestige and position that goes with it.... (and has mental health issues).

  • needproof

    I don't think that they 'felt' anything. They just got carried away with doctrine. Just as we 'knew' we hadn't been brainwashed.

  • Narkissos

    Each time a religion singles out a particular "experience" it calls for an expression (and sometimes for an invention) of "feeling".

    Of course such experiences are generally promoted, either as a requirement for "membership" or accession to an "elite" status. Think of "being born again" in Evangelical churches, "baptism in the Holy Spirit" in Pentecostal churches, or "pastoral calling" in most Christian churches.

    The oddity among JWs (since the 1930's) is that the "particular experience" is both emphasised and repressed -- as something that does "happen" but should not happen to you. It is meant to build a fuzzy sacral awe of a "holy class" you "normally" cannot be a part of. This I think determines the "fringe" profile of most of those who will claim it nonetheless. Unless they are prospective GB members they can expected to be looked down upon rather than looked up to for making this claim. That narrows the scope of the "experience" to strongly emotional and introspective natures -- which is not the case where a similar "experience" is required or encouraged.


    There are more than 144,000 that think they`re going to heaven..You have to multiply "Crazyx3=432,000"..God is building an addition onto heaven,it`s a mental hospital for 432,000..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • LongHairGal

    I always felt their "anointed" teaching had quite a few holes in it. The fact that somebody's claim could not be substantiated was the biggest flaw. Believe what you want about yourself but you have no business expecting anybody else to believe it if you cannot prove it.

    Every religion has to have its claim to the "mystic" or "divine" in order to be looked up to and/or make people feel "awe" or "respect". I feel the JW religion uses this teaching of the "anointed" to accomplish that.

    Without this teaching, they are just another club.


  • Blueblades

    When we had drinks at Bethel with one of the anointed in his room, we asked him how he knew he was one of the anointed. He said, when he read the scriptures pertaining to the heavenly calling he couldn't sleep, he was restless, he asked Jehovah to settle him down. This went on for a period of time, finally one day he was praying to his heavenly father and a peace came over him and settled him down and was very reassuring for him.

    Well, what could we say, that it didn't happen, that he was not anointed, that it was a physical problem. We left it at that and continued to talk about other things enjoying his hospitality. He was born in the year 1914! He is 93 years old now and still at Bethel. He was in world war two, was going to become a major hollyward movie star, had plenty of money and gave it all up when Jehovah called him to The World Headquarters Bethel Brooklyn.

    Blueblades Who knows that he is going six feet under when he dies.What happens next

  • UnConfused

    I asked that of a sister in Hawaii and she said she knew the same way a plumber knows he's a plumber - on her W2 I guess...

    LittleToe talked about being annointed and I asked him about how he knew and didn't really get an answer.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    The Brooklyn Bother Boys made it up as they went along. You do not have to be Sherlock Holmes to realize that .It's the same with the invisible return doctrine - every eye shall see him, but not literally, "only we can tell you what the Bible means and if it doesn't fit our reasoning we will alter the Bible to make it fit in."

    They might as well say ,only the the twelve in the upper room ,at the the table, are annointed and can partake of the emblems.Jesus said keep doing this in remembrance of me ( a commandment) for all his followers.

    All the the witness rank and file should get together and protest that they have a "feeling,"a very strong feeling, that it is they who should be partaking of the bread and wine in order not to be disobediant to Jesus. Change has to come about from below and until ordinary jws' start doing something about it they will continually be led by the blind.

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