What are the 3 meetings per week each about?

by tioga joe 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Wanderer hit the nail on the head..5 meetings,3days a week of brainwashing..Do as your told,shut the f*ck up and get to your next meeting.....If your looking for substance,there isn`t any..It`s like the old Jerry Sienfeld sitcom.The show was about nothing and they were proud of it..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    Do more field service, sell place more litterature literature, underline more prepare in advance for meetings ... zzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • DJK

    Reading these post's I can see nothing's changed since 1974 when I left the borg. The Tuesday book study was held at my house.

  • Alwayshere


  • LongHairGal

    The real reason for the frequent meetings with the JWs is because the religion is afraid the people will let some other activity come between them and it.

    They covet people's time and people's lives among other things.


  • needproof

    It's in order to keep people totally and utterly brainwashed and subservient to the masters at the very top. When JW's become tired of this routine, once every few months, they throw a three day, two day and one day assembly at them to keep them on their toes. If you think the two hours you experienced on sunday was bad, you should try sitting through one of those 7 hour assemblies. Suddenly, death loses it's sting.

  • WTWizard

    You may be starting with one meeting a week. They do that: You start with a commitment of just one hour per week for a study. Then after about 3 or 4 weeks, they increase that with one meeting per week. Once you are regular at that one, they will drop the others on you. You will be going to the Hall three times per week (or to the hall twice and a private home once) for meetings.

    If you think that's bad, just wait until you have been at it a few months. Then they will invite you for service, which will take up another 10 hours or more a month. They always prefer more, but at this point, 10 hours will likely be enough. This usually means putting in another day per week (or two). Now, you are going to the hall (or a private home--sometimes these meetings for service are held in private homes in the territory) 4 times a week. Then there are meetings for service immediately after the Watchtower Study, effectively tying you up for 6 hours or more that day. There goes the weekend!

    And it gets worse when you get baptized. Then they will start badgering you to pioneer. If you agree, you will have to meet minimum requirements (the last I heard, in 1999, was 50 for auxiliary pioneers and 840 during the year for regular pioneers, which could have been adjusted again). If you do not agree, they will keep pestering you until you do. You cannot possibly do enough to satisfy these time bandits.

    Once you become a pioneer, you will be going out in service nearly every day. You should count on wasting the whole morning just about every day, or maybe the whole day three times per week, if you do pioneer. This means spending roughly 15-20 hours in service per week, plus another 5 hours getting ready and at the meetings for service, another 6-7 for the meetings, and whatever time you spend on hall projects. You are looking at about 30 hours a week, and you still haven't touched studying for the meetings which can easily add another 5-10 hours a week. Remember, there are only 168 hours per week!

    Not to mention all the rules. There are the obvious rules. You will not be able to have sex outside marriage, and they decide how close you can come before they hound you (and it isn't as close as you might think). You will not be able to celebrate any holiday or birthday. You will have to believe whatever they say, even if it kills you, or face being shunned by any family member that they might snare. And there are houndingscounsel sessions if you are doing something that they don't like and they feel could be discontinued in order to make room for more time in the ministry.

    I agree that you should do whatever pleases you most. However, you need all the facts, and the Watchtower Society is not giving you the whole truth. True, they might be showing you "love" now. But I can assure you that once you are baptized, that "love" will be replaced with more rules and houndingscounsel. I would recommend going to www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com in addition to the other sites mentioned in this thread before making a final decision. This site has accurate information on the true origin and history of the organization, the false doctrines, and how they messed up people's lives. They even have some shocking reports of subliminal images embedded in the magazines: you can see the proof right there on the site itself! Actual original articles and in-context material from the Watchtower is on this site.

    If you join the cult without gathering all the necessary information, you are going to be very sorry about a year from now.

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