My latest JW experience.

by Abandoned 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abandoned

    I was assigned the dining room this morning at work and I had a JW at the first booth. I recognized her by her bible made larger because of the included reasoning book. I got a kick out of recognizing her in this way. Anyway, as I walked by her booth, she asked me if there was a manager on duty. I told her the manager's first name and pointed toward the registers. With a look of fanatic determination, she made a beeline for the front of the restaurant with two magazines. I moved in close enough to hear the exchange.

    "Are you Barb?"

    "Yes, that's me."

    "Well, I have these two magazines I thought you'd like to read."

    "Well, we don't really," Barb started to say but saw the determination in the lady's eyes. "Oh, OK, just set them there." She pointed to the shelf where the customers can pick up their lattes and cappuccinos.

    When I saw that she had left the magazines, I wanted to run over and toss them in the trash. I would have done it, too, but they weren't given to me and even though I think those magazines are pure garbage, they were technically the property of the manager. I walked around the store for a couple minutes, trying to decide if I should say something about having once been indoctrinated by the JW and how dangerous they are. Finally, I strolled up to the front of the store and noticed the magazines were gone. Then something grabbed my attention out of the corner of my eye. It was the magazines, moved to where they truly shine, the garbage can. Somebody else properly ascertained their value.

    But what made me think the most about this whole exchange was how the JW asked to speak to the manager. Apparently, only managers deserve their literature or they deserve it first. Maybe salvation is like Reaganomics and trickles down hill.

    BTW, I changed the name of the manager to protect her identity.

  • Gregor

    Not bad. The JW got to count her breakfast time and a placement of 2 mags. Next time she's in it'll be a return visit, etc...

  • themonster123

    I hated going out in service not so long ago....The whole idea of it never made sense-bothering a bunch of people isn't going to make them change their mind. I remember one morning before I had to go out in service lying in bed and I was just lying there waiting for my alarm to go off at about 8:17 a.m. when that THOUGHT struck me like a bolt of lightning- The idea of service doesn't make sense to me!! When I thought about the faces of everyone I would meet at the door (the apathy, the "....and who are you?"), I started to lose faith in what I was doing. TO a Witness, the householder's (and manager in your case) means that they're RIGHT b/c that's Satan's influence on them, but when I started to think about it clearly, these householders I had to preach to were just....people, regular people. I Was the one who was a part of this crazy religion. The seed had been planted, (my own seed)

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    If she wanted to leave the mags, she probably wanted the managers ok. What she should have done was given you two to read on your break, and also left two with the manager! That way next time she came back she could potentially have two RV's!!


  • dedpoet

    Good on whoever tossed them in the trash, though I'd have shredded them first.

  • restrangled
    I hated going out in service not so long ago....The whole idea of it never made sense-bothering a bunch of people isn't going to make them change their mind. I remember one morning before I had to go out in service lying in bed and I was just lying there waiting for my alarm to go off at about 8:17 a.m. when that THOUGHT struck me like a bolt of lightning- The idea of service doesn't make sense to me!! When I thought about the faces of everyone I would meet at the door (the apathy, the "....and who are you?"), I started to lose faith in what I was doing. TO a Witness, the householder's (and manager in your case) means that they're RIGHT b/c that's Satan's influence on them, but when I started to think about it clearly, these householders I had to preach to were just....people, regular people. I Was the one who was a part of this crazy religion. The seed had been planted, (my own seed)


    r's hubby

  • Blueblades

    Business Territory. We had weekdays when we worked only Business Territory. The approach was to ask for the manager or whoever was in charge of the business and leave them a brief message and the magazines without distubing the place of business or the workers.

    That's probably what this witness was doing. I try to remember that the witnesses are captives of a concept just as we once were. It's the Governing Body and some C.O.'s and Elders, that I take issue with not the rank and file who are being duped. As to throwing the magazines in the garbage when she left, I agree with that, because the magazines originate with the Governing Body.


  • whyizit

    Everytime I see those magazines in a public area, I collect them up. I'm planning to put them to good use. :0) (Cult awareness project.)

    I went in the hospital to visit someone early on a Sunday, and the waiting room had those magazines fanned out on every table. I bet people thought I was crazy! I asked if anyone was interested in any of them and the two people there said, "NO!" So, I waltzed out of the hospital with an armload of them! I took every last one, and I bet I had at least 40 of them! Those people in the waiting area probably thought I was going to jump head long in to the WTS.

    I have collected them up at my Vet's office too. I asked if I could have them, and he wanted to know why. Apparently he did not give permission for them to be left in his office in the first place, and he was not thrilled that anyone would be reading them. After I told him what I wanted them for, he was more than happy to send them home with me.

  • logic

    Actually "field service" is a good thing when you think about it. You tick off thousands of people at thier door for maybe one who might listen to you. I did this crap for nearly 50 years. It was basically the only way JWS get any human association, you know the coffee breaks and gossip etc. I always told everybody that I hated field service and meetings and assemblies. They would just feel sorry for me and never said much of anything else, and I am still around "physically". For those who want to go to meetings etc. for sake of family or whatever, just stay under the radar and dont cause any problems for the rest of the dummies. Dont ask for any of their help. Put down an hour every month for your time report. You should be able to do this, because it is theocratic warfare on your part. Some people need to stay in touch with what is going on inside. Eventually you may be able to give the actual truth to someone. As far as myself , no one wants to bother with me , I set at the hall with my wife and either read my Kings James bible, sleep, draw or use the time for rest. My wife does not have to go alone, it makes her happy, and I am able to make a few points along the way.

  • Gregor

    Logic, sounds like you know how to play cool and not get all snarled up in the BS. My only suggestion, turn in 9 or 10 hrs and all the placements your mag/lit order can back up. Nobody can say you nay. If confronted, remember, it is no sin to lie to a liar.

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