Dallas Aposta-Crawfest -- A GREAT Success!

by Elsewhere 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    I wanted to thank everyone who helped make this great event happen!

    Everyone really stepped up and helped enormously... if it were not for all of you the Apasta-Crawfest would not have been anywhere as great.

    Several people approached me discreetly to provide monetary support, which is greatly appreciated. It really helped take the edge off of the costs involved.

    Lots of others brought food, drink, tables and an assortment of other goodies.

    Everyone had a great time and enjoyed each other's company. Every time I looked around everyone was laughing, smiling and having a lot of fun.


  • cruzanheart

    It was REALLY a great party! The pool provided refreshment as well as a, um, sobering experience, and we had more liquor than even us hard-drinkin' apostates knew what to do with (thanks, Amy!!!). I think there were about 50 people there and it was absolutely lovely, as always, to visit with old friends and meet new ones.

    Hey, Elsewhere, Jennie told me that the assistant manager was the lady who set us up with that contract the day we reserved it, which is what I thought. I don't know why she was pretending she didn't know anything about it.


  • Mary

    Hey, I'm glad it all went off so well...........so when do we get to see the pictures?!!!

  • juni

    There are some pics posted Mary on the different threads about the fest.

    You have a PM.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Hey Else, was everything okay with the manager this morning?

  • Elsewhere

    Big_Tex, I don't know yet. I went by two times this morning and both times they were all occupied by a "meeting". I wonder what it could be about?

    For those of you who don't know, at the very last minute, just as we were all arriving to setup, the apartment complex attempted to renege on the contract I signed with them.

    Back in February I started talking to them about the event and went over the contract and other details... bottom line: May 6, 2007 from 1:00 PM until 9:00 PM with approximately 50 people attending. They agreed and all was good. (So it seemed)

    We arrived at the Apartment Clubhouse at1:00 PM and all of the sudden the personnel at the apartment complex started to tell us that we could not hold the event during normal business hours. We would have to come back at 6:00 PM. I demanded to talk to the manager, but they said she was at home and it was *impossible* to contact her. I told them: "If the building were on fire, I'm quite certain you would have a way to contact her." However, according to them the manager wouldn't find out about the fire until the next morning when she arrived. (Yes, they really told me that. )

    I spoke to the assistant manager and pointed out that nowhere in the contract does it say anything about not being able to hold a function during normal business hours. I also pointed out that I spoke to HER and several other people several times over the last few months and no one EVER told me anything about that even once. I had also told HER about the 1:00 PM start time more than once and she NEVER told me about the "no functions during business hours" rule. She was forced to allow us to say.

    A few hours later another guy from the apartment office called me in and told me that there is a six hour limit on the length of the event, therefore we would have to be out and have the place cleaned up at 6:30 PM. I re-read the contract to confirm I was right and pointed out that nowhere does it mention anything about any sort of time limits. Once again, they were forced to let us stay.

    A few hours later they called me in again and told me that they would not give me the key so I could lock-down the facility when we left. Again, it was in the contract that they were to give me the keys and I would return them to the management office. Instead of doing this, the guy insisted that I call him so he can drive back to the facility and lock it down himself. I wasn't going to argue that with him. Hell, if the guy wants to interrupt his own evening to lock-down the facility for me, I'm not going to complain. If anything it gave him the ability to do a walk-through to confirm that everything looked good before we left. Cruzanheart also took pics to prove that everything was in order.

    Bottom line: They attempted to violate the contract THREE times.

    Right now I'm trying to talk to them to confirm that the full $800 deposit will be returned to me.

  • cruzanheart

    AND I think they turned the air conditioning off in the clubhouse and media room -- we never could get it working properly!

    Please keep us posted on this -- I'd be sick to think they'd try to keep any portion of your deposit.


  • Brigid

    Darlin', thank YOU. It was awesome and we were just heartsick at having to leave early.

    And yes, keep us posted! There are enough of us who dabble in and around real estate to back you up.

    Thanks so much for putting it all together!


    Brigid and Daystar

  • Brigid

    and p.s. that really pisses me off! We do about 98% of our business (and it's large) in huge relocation contracts...people moving into the DFW area needing housing--including temporary. If you don't get your deposit back, please inform me----I'll know who NOT to recommend for rental housing.

  • arrowstar
    There are some pics posted Mary on the different threads about the fest.

    Where the pictures you speak of? I haven't seen any on JWD yet.

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