"...and your wife's a Jehovahs Witness?"

by bigmouth 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigmouth

    Had to take my wife to A&E on Thursday with chest pain. (she's fine BTW) The receptionist went through her personal details with me and, of course, asked if she was still a JW. I got a little fright and quickly said "No, not any more." "Does she have any religion now?" "Nope"

    It was a strange sensation for some reason and a bit scary. I don't know why.

    Any similar experiences of having to notify officialdom on leaving the dubs?

  • Hortensia

    with computers now it seems anyone can find any information about you and businesses keep all kinds of details. The hospital probably just had the information from her previous visit to the hospital or from her doctor's office. My doctor's office just went totally paper free with patient records and any doctor in the complex can log on and see my records. In the process they checked again with me about my religion (or lack thereof.) I don't think you need to worry about it.

  • jgnat

    What gives ME chills is if they had the old information and she needed an emergency blood transfusion. A reminder, EX-jw's, to update your religious status and your stand on blood with your doctor and surrounding hospitals!

  • sass_my_frass
    A reminder, EX-jw's, to update your religious status and your stand on blood with your doctor and surrounding hospitals!

    That is scary. Hopefully they'll find my blood donor card, and/or contact my husband, but who knows what gets recorded in the medicare system.

  • Es

    6 months ago just before my baby was born I had to go into hosp for a routine checkup and also to discuss if I needed a ceasarian what the complications could be, I had totally forgotten to tell them I was no longer a JW lucky the doc picked it up when she noticed it and said Oh you cant have blood, I quickly fixed that up on all my docs records. Im so glad she picked it up.


  • bigmouth

    That's right jgnat. It's the opposite of having to remember to update your blood card every year!

    I just got the shivers about arriving at A&E and finding a deputation from the HLC there! Worse than a heart attack in my opinion :)

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