Bin Laden Innocent?

by dubla 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker


    Thanks for responding. My comment about "political hate" wasn't necessarily directed toward you, but toward those who have blamed Clinton for the WTC attacks (and yes, I have heard some say this -- they probably throw Hillary into the mix for good measure!) I'm glad to know your true thinking about the matter. As it happens, I agreed with everything you said:

    More should have been done before, if the government wasn't paralyzed by it's rule-by-poll approach. The intelligence agencies were gutted and underfunded in their overseas operations (recetnly read an article about that also). Much more could have been done to help prevent these attacks. I think the government got the message this time, but it's sad it had to be done with such a great loss of life.

    You know what's funny? A year ago, the right-wing was running on their usual lie of "less government" (it's a lie because government always grows, no matter who is in charge). One year later, everybody is saying to the government, "Save us!" How quickly people can realize what the role of the government is when trouble strikes. Guiliani, the firefighters, and the police were anything but taken for granted this past month.

  • dubla


    yes, you take a bit of a different stand on the whole issue than most of the ones out there crying "injustice!". most of this opinion are also of the opinion that we are not justified in our current actions against the taliban, which is obviously not the case with you.

    i understand what youre saying, and i would argue that there is almost always a "better" way to handle a situation then the path that is actually chosen. personally i agree with the way it was all handled, but whenever you get into the politics of a situation, never will all agree. i respect your opinion on bushs actions, even though i applaud them.

    as far as getting the support of other countries/states, you are correct, we will never gain blanket support. i would contend though, that we are already getting more support from more of these nations then we would have probably dreamed of back in august. i mean, pakistan? saudi arabia is stepping up now to take appropriate actions? even arafat condemns the terrorists and is in support of the u.s.? id say, in light of it all, we are doing pretty well. there are ALWAYS going to be excuses and reasons for the u.s. to be hated, and our current dealings/attacks will just become, or already are, another of them.


  • pettygrudger

    Jdubla - I agree w/you as well, but w/1 small extension - all these countries are "in agreement" & support us today, but I have a feeling based on history that tommorrow, or whenever this particular situation (Afghanistan) is taken care of, the U.S. will be highly condemned for the exit policies. Regardless of how they do it, there is a no win situation raising its ugly head as we speak. The same countries you say support us today will be rallying their people to hate us even more after all is said & done in Afghanistan.

  • pettygrudger

    Too true seeker, too true! Hopefully, our children will now know what it means to be a true hero!

  • dubla


    i dont doubt that at all. you cant make everyone happy, as nice as that would be.


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