PBS Mormon documentary is balanced, stinging

by M.J. 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • M.J.

    Part 1 of the documentary aired last night on PBS. It dealt with the history of the movement. Tonight is Part 2 and deals more with the Church of today.

    I wonder how "Knocking" compares?

    I thought they really exposed some rather incriminating tidbits from Mormon history. I found myself wishing I could see such a thorough and balanced documentary on JW history.

  • sf

    Ah, glad to see this up. I was going to do so myself.

    Interesting timing I'd say. Perfect even.

    Please email Helen, if you already have not, to alert her to 'KNOCKING' and Joel. Although I can't imagine her not knowing about 'KNOCKING', let's make sure of it. Thank you for your support.


  • sf


    Helen Whitney

    Producer, Director and Writer
    Wednesday, May 2, 2007; 11:00 AM

    Producer Helen Whitney will be online Wednesday, May 2 at 11 a.m. ET to discuss her film "The Mormons," a Frontline/American Experience coproduction that explores both the history and the present reality of the Mormon faith, taking the viewer inside a compelling and often misunderstood religion.

    "The Mormons" airs Monday, April 30, and Tuesday, May 1, at 9 p.m. ET on PBS (check local listings).

    Submit your questions and comments before or during the discussion.

    Whitney has been creating documentaries about religion since 1968. Her Frontline movies have included "John Paul II: The Millennial Pope" and "Faith and Doubt at Ground Zero." She has won one Emmy and one Peabody, and been nominated for six Emmys and an Academy Award.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    I thought it was very good as well. Unbelievable history - amazing how they became as large as they are. But with the different viewpoints it all makes sense and very revealing about the human need to belong to something bigger than they can create themselves. i.e. it must be true because we are being persecuted logic. I thought it was filled with similar parallels that we see everyday in the JW mindset.

    Curious that so many religions got their start in the US around that time spouting the same "this is the truth" "follow me" "I(we) are the prophet" "God has revealed" .... was there something in the water?


  • M.J.
    was there something in the water?

    A very good point was made that the environment of religious freedom in 19th century USA was really unprecedented in history. It became a true breeding ground for religious innovation like never before.

  • Terry

    In my own personal research into religion in America I have had to adjust my views often.

    For one thing, one can't help but wonder at the fanaticism permeating the lesser educated and self-educated people.

    It was do-it-yourself theology that did the trick! Any wild-assed idea was as good or bad as your ability to get other people interested. Certainly Joseph Smith's early life prepared him to be a charlatan and a trickster.

    Joseph Smith worked on his idea over a period of time.

    I see what happened with Smith's fantasy as a model of what happened to other religious denominations (including Christianity itself) over time.

    1.A core incident is described.

    2.Debate ensues

    3.Reaction to the debate causes adjustments in the core story.

    4.The "new and improved" version is offered as the core incident.

    5.More debate and opposition challenges every aspect.

    6.Additional adjustments in the telling start to strengthen the weakness in the presentation.

    7.At some point the core story is vivid and defendable to the point it launches more elements into the myth.


    Jesus was a clever, intelligent and authoritative Rabbi who was charismatic in his teaching and extraordinarily gifted at confounding the Priests and experts of his day.

    Stories about Jesus circulated after his death. Arguments challenged various aspects of the story told.

    "Official versions" attributed to people who "really knew" bolstered the core story. (Mark's gospel.)

    More arguments, debates and challenges require strengthening accounts.

    New "Official versions" emerge based on the simple stories--but--expanded to include yet more and more miraculous demonstrations of Jesus' power.

    Finally, a gospel is offered (John's) which turns the simple Jesus as Rabbi into a superhero and God himself!

    So too with Joseph Smith and his tale.

    If you read the book by Richard Abanes about Mormon History you'll see the documentation of this gradual evolution of Smith and his presentation and "proofs" of divine encounter.

    The overwhelming size of his followers only demonstrates his expertise at answering objections and plugging in to people's fanatical zeal about religion in America at that time.

    The 1800's were filled with wild and wooly zealots with peculiar beliefs who were (in their everday life) ordinary people, good husbands and fathers and honest in every way. It is their superstitious naive gullibility that makes them vulnerable to Absolute Certainty.

    I look forward to the Second Installment of the PBS documentary tonight!

  • M.J.

    They mentioned that Mormonism sprung from the "Burned-over district".

    This was an area of New York during the early 1800s which had become the birthplace of all sorts of new religious movements, including the Millerite movement.

    Very interesting article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burned-over_district

  • M.J.

    Part 2 was awesome!

    You could see so many parallels to the JW experience.

  • Terry

    I just finished watching Part 2 and had many tears to shed along the way!

    I could deeply understand what people were expressing from so many parts of my experience and feeling.

    Jw's should watch this; yes. Will they? I doubt it. Why? It will make them uncomfortable that Mormons have a better family life, better education, better social institutions, better theology promises and a more mainstream life than Jehovah's Witnesses have.

    Also, JW's will see how genuine the zeal is of the average Mormon compared to their own.

    I HIGHLY reccomend watching this. It is available online.

  • M.J.

    Very well put, Terry. I had it in mind to try and articulate the points you brought out. You covered it much better than I could have.

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