
by purplesofa 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    I never did this until recently but I mute commercials (expect Geico caveman ones)

    First Cialis and Viagra and now ....male enhancement commercials!!! Is this many people really having so many problems with sex?????

    They embarrass me. Esp around my sons

    Do men get embarrassed about them?


    There are some really dumba$$ commericials too. These people are up in a plane......and this chic throws these red little circle things out of the plane they jump out the plane to get it............Its freaking CHEESE!!!!

    I know there are dumber commercials than this one......its just one I saw earlier.

    Whats your take on the dumbest commercials?


  • HAL9000

    Know what you mean. I am positive that some of the advertising people must be full-time on the wacky weed 'cause you really have to watch for a brand name or SOMETHING that gives you some clue as to what they're selling. My mother is 90 yo and reckons she is losing it because she doesn't "get" the ads. I told her not to worry as I don't get them either!

    Re the "imtimate" variety - are these on all hours or restricted times for you? Our bad to worse to OMG times here are 9:30 pm and 11:30 pm revert to normal (pathetic) at about 5:3o am


  • BrentR

    When I started seeing commercials on The Weather Channel I knew the big "A" had to be close.

  • Leolaia

    I made a remark a few nights ago about the huge number of completely inane commercials that are on the air now. God, I hate them so much. Here's a few:

    • Comcast has a series that dramatize very lamely some common expressions as puns. Like a group of protestors in an empty lot protesting a construction worker in bulldozer (chanting, "What do we want? For you to leave"), and the Comcast guy says, "Save a lot!" Or a pizza guy hanging suspended above his restaurant 30 feet up from a white thing around a flagpole, and the Comcast guy says, "Hold on to your dough!" Really, really stupid!
    • There is an even more annoying commercial from Avis with the staff and a car renter guy communicate by opening their mouths and having Twisted Sister's "I Wanna Rock" broadcast out their mouths. Lame-o (
    • As if Avis wasn't being lame enough, they have another commercial about their GPS system in which the guy driving the car professes his tender love to the brainless computer system, to the tune of Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart" no less ( Very cringeworthy.
    • The worst set of commercials are those advertizing Nutrisystem Nourish. One guy says, "My wife tells me I'm not as disgusting to her as I used to be," and a woman says that her husband now calls her "his trophy wife". Neither of them has NO CLUE that those are not compliments!

    Taken alone, each commercial is not so bad, but they have to play them a zillion times a day on every channel, inducing as much torture as the Crazy Frog no doubt inflicted upon the British populace a few years ago (I might be exaggerating slightly....those were really bad, but you get my point).

  • The Humper
    The Humper

    have any of you seen the JW commercials?

    while my wife was living in new york she saw one.


    Purps..Here in the Great White North we`ve got a Banking Commercial..It`s about banks always having thier hands in your pocket..The Song:"Hands in your pocket,Hands in your pocket."There is always a banker following someone around with his hand in thier backpocket.....If some guy has his hand in my back pocket on my ass.He would be doing alot of business with the Tooth Fairy..Maybe he could make a few bucks on that deal..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • Spectre

    I really hate the one by the rental car company where they open their mouth and out comes Twisted Sister's, I Wanna Rock.

  • averyniceguy

    The Humper, can you be more specific what was the JW commercial about?

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    I dislike the 'adult' commercials too, but I'm not embarassed by them, more like angry. Especially the ones that come on late at night after news, or early in the morning just before the news, which seem to always be about herpes medication. I forget the name of the product, but the slogan background song that keeps playing during the ad is ' the life that I want". Maybe its just the residual fundy training in me, but I think quite a few of these people could stand to live a bit LESS of the life they wanted if they ended up with herpes. I usually end up making some snide comment to that effect at the tv as I turn the channel. And please, don't flame me if you were married and got burnt by your cheating spouse or something like that where there was no expectation of trouble. I understand that there are circumstances where someone can be innocently victimized, but generally speaking I tend to think that if you end up with an STD you were probably living dangerously in the first place.

    I also tend to get a bit miffed at any commercial that uses a classic rock song in it, I usually mutter something under my breath like "sellouts" while my wife just laughs at me.

    There's one set of commercials that simply mystify me...I have no idea what they want you to buy or be aware of. It's these little animated bits that come up sometimes where there's a taxi driver saying various things while driving in his product is mentioned, no show airtime is mentioned...I have no idea what they're about.

  • The Humper
    The Humper

    it was about child molestors on the internet and the dangers. my wife says it showed a kid on the computer saying that this is how predators get to your children, then it showed some old guy on the other side of the computer. then the parents talking to the child and showing them a book. then they had some punchline and a number to call for interested people. thats all she remebers.

    my wife never was a JW so i cant be sure what book. she remebers it because her friends boyfriends parents are JW and they were the parents in the commercial.

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