Favorite Classical Music Piece?

by El Kabong 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    I'm kind of partial to Strauss....Listening to "Tales from the Vienna Woods" now......(with images of Bugs Bunny cartoons in my head).....What are your favorite classical pieces?

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    Piano: Debussy - Submerged Cathedral

    Brass: Copeland - Fanfare for the Common Man or maybe one of John Williams' Olympics fanfares...

    Orchestral: Oh god, I can't pick...

  • restrangled

    There are so many....Rachmaninoff, Debussy, Chopin, have pieces that are unforgettable.

    How to choose......


  • DJK
  • Terry

    My first exposure to Classical music wasn't very deep, but; it hooked me for life: Ravel's Bolero.

    Next, came an introduction to the old warhorse perennials such as the 1812 Overture, Capriccio Italian and Fountains of Rome.

    As I entered puberty the minor key melodies set me on fire: Rachmaninoff's Piano Concertos, Brahms 1st and 3rd and Tristan and Isolde.

    As I matured I moved to Gabriel Faure' and Hindemuth and Bela Bartok.

    Now, as a fully matured gentleman with lots of living under my belt I am completely taken with all things Claus Ogermann, almost any chamber music and Prokofiev.

    There is a fellow from Canada called the French Canadian Mozart, named Andre' Gagnon. I adore his very light melodicism.

    All time favorite: VOCALISE by Rachmaninoff

  • purplesofa

    wow I dont like posting after Terry!!!

    Here is a nice piece I was listening to earlier.

    Just wanted to share, lame I know. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkP-PnIZ_MI

    Summer of '42 - Michael Legrand (1971)

    favorite composer is Mozart

    .......I have most of his symphonies on another computer.

  • HAL9000

    1. Strauss - Blue Danube (with images of space travel)

    2. Beethoven - Symphonies esp 9

    3. Greig - Piano Concerto #1

  • Carmel

    I'm with Terry! Bolero caught my imagination in a art class in college and got me hooked! carmel

  • nvrgnbk

    Chopin for me too. It's difficult to narrow it down to just one piece.


  • nowisee

    beethoven's 9th

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