Do you ever feel that the elders were your friends?

by JH 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tuesday

    at least for me the elders didn't seem to be my friend, there always seemed to be an alterior motive whenever they spoke to me. There was an elder who I thought was genuinely a nice guy, still whenever he spoke to me there was a purpose behind it more than just saying hi.

  • moshe

    That reminds me of Bruce, the shark, in my daughter's Movie, "Finding Nemo"- fish are friends, Bruce says, as he tries to convince himself not to eat Nemo. You can't trust any elder- if they smell blood, you're a goner.

  • JH

    I also felt that they were like "Cops" in the congregation.

  • zack

    The problem is like OTWO said: They will chose the Org. over you. They will betray your confidences to the ORG. It is one reason many men step aside.

    It offended me the way some brothers were talked about, and how even the intimate deatils of a person told in confidence to other elders were freely shared

    in a BOE meeting. The entire arrangement is unkind and unloving. I don't know of anyone with a conscience who can stay an elder for very long. I couldn't.

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