Getting cut out of Mom and Dad's will

by journey-on 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • journey-on

    Have any of you experienced this yet....being cut out of your JW mom and dad's will? I posted the following on another thread. Because of one instance that I heard about last year from a friend of mine, I am concerned that this may be something the Society is encouraging and may encourage even more as the new private issue of the WT begins to be released.

    There needs to be some groundwork laid by ex-jws for contesting wills where parents leave all or most of their estate to the Society. I said in another post that with the private issue of the WT coming out at the beginning of next year, I believe the WTS is going to start goading people to leave their hard earned money and property to them. They've already laid their groundwork in an earlier isssue of the WT about how to donate such to them.

    There needs to be a bevy of attorneys that are ex-jws ideally that have laid some heavy duty groundwork about mind control, brainwashing techniques used by the WTBT$, etc. in order to be prepared to prove mental incompetence of parents who leave everything to the Society. Just as the WTS has attorneys on hand for their immediate use such as the ones that fight the blood issue and others, I believe apostates (I use that term for lack of a better one) need to band together in some organized fashion and recruit their own attorneys for the issue of wills and financial matters.

    I can see lots and lots of pressure from the Society coming in the years ahead toward this and we need to be prepared because otherwise seemingly intelligent folks of "sound mind" do have the kool-aid mentality when it comes to the WTS and rightful heirs need to be prepared.

    Am I being paranoid, or do any of you think this is a valid issue?

  • Mary

    This happened to my uncle (my mom's sister's husband). His father died a few years ago so his second wife, my uncle's step-monster, inherited it all. She was a mean, spiteful witch and did not want my uncle to inherit anything, even though he looked after the old bag for years. Nope, she left it all to the Society. Seeing as my uncle's a good Dub, he didn't contest the Will.

  • LovesDubs

    Some people leave their entire estates to their cats. Some just dont want their greedy good for nothing kids to get it. It would be a hard row to hoe reversing that kind of decision I think. Least of all would they want their apostate opposer relatives to get their hands on it.

    If somebody was tithing to a church or the hall for years and years youd be hard pressed to say that their giving to that organization was suddenly an unsound decision if nobody ever questioned it before.

    When we moved from Ill to FLA in 99 I was getting our taxes done and discovered that before we left my husband had written a check for $1000 to the Kingdom Hall from our business account which he controlled and had hidden from me. We didnt have a POT TO PISS IN and were behind on our mortgage andhaving to borrow from my father which was humiliating ...and something my father NEVER forgot he "did for me"...and it turns out I never HAD to borrow from JW husband was feeling "guilty" because we had just built a new hall and he wouldnt be around to give to it. Or so he SAID followed by "its none of your fucking business that I gave to the Hall."

    Yeah...a huge bone of contention, Im sure for MANY.

  • Finally-Free

    My mom didn't leave anything to the WTS so it wasn't an issue for me. A few years ago I went to a will planning seminar that a lawyer put on. In it he said legally, parents don't have to leave their children anything, and they don't need a reason to justify the exclusion. According to this lawyer, the only person who cannot legally be excluded in a will is a current spouse.

    If someone is planning to contest a will based on incompetence they should have a good lawyer and evidence of incompetence. I imagine in many cases the legal costs could be greater than the value of the estate. Most JWs are not wealthy.


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    A year ago January, when my mother called me "apostate" she called up my brother and told him she was cutting me out of her will.

    There really isn't anything to be inherited, and I really didn't care. We've since patched things up, and I have no idea if she did it or not.

    I can see where if there was actually something to inherit it would be upsetting. I see it quite often in my work where a second spouse or common law spouse gets everything. It is very upsetting for the children from the first relationship.


  • journey-on

    I know of several quite wealthy witnesses. I'm not an attorney, but I would think there would be some way to show that the society's brainwashing, mind controlling, and intrusiveness into family matters, could be a way to prove that the parent is not of sound mind. A lot of research would need to be done to prove how the WTS uses subtle suggestions, fear tactics, etc. etc. to unduly influence and even alter a person's psychological makeup to effect this change, but I think it could be done. Any attorneys out there in JWD land????

  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    My mom married an elder last November. This is his third marriage. His first two wives passed away.

    The second marriage lasted only 16 months yet he got all her assets, including treasured momentos. I realize that the spouse gets everything but I doubt that we will inherit much. His only witness son and the Org will most likely get most of it.

    He has six sons but my mother told me that only four of his sons and her four children will inherit their combined assets. She said that they are drawing up wills but nothing has been mentioned about what the second wife's three children will get. When I asked her if this was fair she said that it was none of her business. As long as it leans favourably for her she will not comment. For me it's no so much about the money. They have a right to blow it on themselves if they so wished. It's the fact that someone else may get what my father and the father of the second family worked all their lives for.

  • 95stormfront

    My in-laws are running scared because of this very issue. They're tripping all over themselves trying to not get on the bad side of the "old man" because they want a piece of what would be left of the estate. My MIL has decided that should anything happen to him, that she'd be living with us because while most of her kids are shitting all over themselves trying to please him, they want very little if anything to do with her. My wife has put them on notice that because of that, if she if she is to be taking care of her mom in her final days, that she, her mom, is going to live like a queen and that they should expect that she will die broke.

  • Scully

    The way I look at it is that it isn't my money or property. It belongs to my parents. If they want to be jerks, they will leave it all to the WTS, and that's fine with me - it would totally be in keeping with how they treated my family over the last 10 years. If they want to be fondly remembered, they'll do what normal people do and divide their meagre assets between their children and grandchildren.

    Either way, I don't care. I know what I'm going to do with my money, and I'm working my butt off to look after my retirement, which my parents did not do because they believed they'd be Living Forever In Paradise on Earthâ„¢ by now. My goal in life is that not one red cent of MY money ends up in the hands of the WTS. That much I can do. What my parents do with their money is out of my control.

  • gymbob

    When I DA'd myself a few years back, my parents cut me out of their will.

    The real funny thing about it is that they had NOTHING until they moved in with my non-jw grandmother back in the 90's and when she passed away in 03', they took everything she had (alot!).

    Back in the early 70's, my parents planned for the "Big A" in 75', sold the house and moved to unassigned territory and did janitorial work until they were so old they couldn't work anymore.

    I'm sure my grandmother would roll over in her grave if she knew that my parents could leave everything they have to the WTB&TS when they die. She hated them for not letting her give us grandchildren Xmas & birthday parties, etc.....she was a classy lady to the end, but she hated the witnesses.....I love you grandma! GYMBOB

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