Why are JWs so disrespectful towards war veterans, etc?

by winnie 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • lonelysheep

    True, FF and Nvrgnbk.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate
    Could it be a guilty conscience, perhaps?

    Subconciously or conciously, that is why.


  • Terry

    Jehovah's Witnesses are like the worthless brother-in-law who sleeps in the spare bedroom with free rent who never does any work around the house but expects three hot meals a day and Tv privileges.

    JW's feel ENTITLED to freedom to practice their cartoon religion and exercise their feckless holier-than-thou attitude without having to risk any body parts in the process.

    I'm deeply ashamed I wasted two years of my life in Federal Prison instead of doing something---ANYTHING--of benefit for my community other than reading Fred Franz's lunatic screeds on Babylon the Great in Seagoville Federal Correctional Institution from 1967-1969.

    You only get out of life what you put into it. By this measure, no wonder Jehovah's Witnesses have nothing but a fantasy and a tiny Social Security check at the end of their days to try and live on.

    All the "faithful" old people who are too ill or infirm to even attend Kingdom Halls anymore can see what their life of absolute certainty and belief in Jehovah has done for them.

  • crashfire451

    When I or my hubby sees a solder, we try to walk up to him and shake his hand and simply say, "Thanks, son." Right or wrong....whatever one's opinion is on the politics of war....that soldier is doing his duty and it's because of men like him we enjoy freedom to express our opionions and worship the way we choose to worship.

    Journey on,that comment makes no sense to me?By your reasoning you would go up to a Wermacht Soldier during WW2 and shake his hand?Hes just doing his duty after all.Or maybe its just your Countrys Soldiers "right or wrong".

    What doesn't make sense? She was talking about the freedoms and liberties she and her husband enjoy as Americans, and expressing her gratitude to the modern-day counterparts of those men who made this freedom possible. I don't think Roosevelt heard much complaining from Europe when the U.S. finally got into the WW2 and helped those countries out. And don't start in on the war that's going on in Iraq, because I don't agree with it either. I did my tour, didn't like why I was there, but went because I had volunteered to serve. Unfortunately, if I as a Marine got to choose which wars I fought in, we wouldn't have much of a military. Not sure how those Army boys do things.....

  • done4good

    This is not different than the witness' take on using blood fractions, but not donating to the supply. The trouble is, they are unable to see it for what it is.

    I also agree with FF. Many jws have a tendency to take people down a notch, whenever they can.


  • journey-on

    Crashfire.....Thank you. You explained it better than I could have. BTW....thank you for serving.((((((cf))))))

  • Jourles

    Did Jehovah have armies under his control or not? If he was so great and all powerful, why did he not just eliminate Israel's enemies with a flash of light or whatever tricks he had at his disposal? Why bother sending in a human army to kill other humans?

    Monkey see, monkey do. God obviously approves of an army consisting of men. Mankind is simply following God's example.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I have always been against going to war. But I can now see that there are times that in the real world, it is unavoidable. I never saw patriotism as something bad, until the jws put it into my head.

    "I never loved a soldier until there was a war." This is a line out of a song that got me to think. If we are being attacked, would we not welcome help from a policeman? The same is true, I am sure, if the situation invoved a war. How many jws would not want their military to protect them if they were in imminent danger? They would welcome them with open arms.

    The jws want all their rights, but don't want to sacrifice for them. I think I see war through the ones I have seen in my lifetime, Vietnam and the current fiasco in Iraq. Thar doesn't mean there is nothing worth fighting for.

  • Scully
    "They are stupid to go to war...what a waste of a life."

    As opposed to spending one's life trudging Door-to-Door™ at the behest of a Book Publishing Company that masquerades as a religion?

    As opposed to denying a child the opportunity to live by refusing them a blood transfusion?

    Stupid is as stupid does, I believe is the saying.

  • BluesBrother

    Disrespect ? yes.. because they believe that the whole world belongs to Satan the devil, and anybody, including servicemen, the clergy and follower of the religions are duped by Satan.

    Nowadays I know better than to believe that. But that does not make me a "Patriot" or a supporter of the millitary in any way. I do not see that "my country" is any better than yours . I observe my goverment spending my tax £ in occupation of foreign lands in defiance of international law and UN resolutions. Personally, I would not take somebody's life on the command of some politician, or sacrifice my own for their cause...

    But that is just me. I have learned to respect other peoples point of view and not expect others to agree. And the individual servicemen are, for the most part , are decent people acting according to their belief and conscience.

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