who really rules the world now?

by michiyo84 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Anti-Christ

    IP_SEC, I guess your the one I have to eliminate now.

    p.s. thanks for taking care of Satan for me.

  • PrimateDave

    Bacteria. Here for the last three billion years, still at work, and will be the last thing on the planet to die in a couple billion more years.


  • Sasha

    Satan. I believe what Christ said. By the way, I am a college graduate. If you want to be an athiest, thats fine with me.

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Perhaps God want Satan to rule..just do it correctly like He wants and knows it needs to be done?

    Perhaps this world is Satan's inheirtence.....and he was doing exactly what he was supposed to be doing.....how in the hell would we know for sure? What is the point in resorting to lie about it? We are really good at misunderstanding the truth on our own.

    Oh well...that is my guess into it..and is holds as much wieght as the dubs guesses they call "truth".

    Point is...only God knows for sure...Satan himself probably doesn't even know for sure. Dumbass probably thinks he is destined for eternal destruction for doing what he thought was right and having to stand up to his Creator to protect and defend his weaker less intelligent brethern.

    This all could be a test..he passed with flying colors....

    Who really knows for sure?

    Would a father play bully against his own children to see which ones will try to take a stand against him to protect the others?

    Please excuse my rambling....

  • MariAruet

    if anyone was really ruler of this world it wouldn't be such a chaos

  • Tuesday

    me 2! LOL!

    Daystar you just got MAJOR brownie points from me for the pic of Kawada, that is awesome!!!

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