A tough decision

by DJK 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJK

    My wife and I have lived in this home for four summers now. For the first two summers we enjoyed watching the butterflies, dragonflies, hummingbirds and the rare hummingbird moth.

    At the beginning of our third summer we had a new visitor that found a location to biuld a nest on a shutter of our house. It was a bird called the Eastern Pheobe. I watched the pair biuld from scratch a nest made of moss and mud. It took three days. It was all good until a week later when I watched one bird fly from the nest and eat a butterfly. This happened over and over again and it was obvious that all the butterflies were now gone and they started to eat the dragonflies. I had also watched them scare off the hummingbirds. Because they had eggs in the nest I allowed them to stay for that summer.

    The following summer the birds came back. I discouraged them from nesting by scraping the nest from the shutter each time they started it. It worked. Unfortunately they went to the home next door and still used my back yard as a feeding ground. Another summer without butterflies.

    Yesterday I see the birds are back and they are biulding their nest again on the same shutter. I detest indiscrimanant killing of wildlife except in the case of pest's and I do consider this bird a pest.

    Do you think it would be wrong for me to take out my pellet gun and destroy this bird? Even I dont like the idea, but I may not have a choice if I want to have butterflies and humming birds around this summer.


  • purplesofa

    Im not one that could normally kill anything. But the loss of all the other things I enjoy, I would pellet the bird.

    If it was a huge bear threatening your home, what would you do?


  • Zico
    Do you think it would be wrong for me to take out my pellet gun and destroy this bird? Even I dont like the idea, but I may not have a choice if I want to have butterflies and humming birds around this summer.

    Nah, do it, it's only gonna come back next summer, and the summer after, and so on...

    If it was a huge bear threatening your home, what would you do?

    I doubt he'd use his pellet gun on it.

  • purplesofa
    I doubt he'd use his pellet gun on it.

    ok smart a$$!!!!

  • Zico
  • IP_SEC

    You could knock the nest down. That'd learn 'im... dern 'im.

    edit: 1000 pardons. I missed the part about you scraping the nest down.

  • BFD

    I know what you mean. I have bats here and although I don't really care for them they do keep down the bug population in my yard. Besides it's illegal here to kill them.

    As far as your that nasty butterfly eatin birdy - toast it!


  • Crumpet

    That is really tricky. Which is the most indigenous and have you sought the advice of your local bird/wildlife trusts as they have conservation programmes and are often interested to know and survey this.

    I prefer birds and hate butterflies so I'd be inclined to let the bird stay. However they are showing survival of the fittest in progress and maybe we humans sometimes have to step in and help a weaker species survive.

    Tough call - I'd definitely seek advice from local conservation programmes.

  • HAL9000

    Hi DJK,

    A hard decision. I live out of the city in the mountains & have a lot of birdlife around. But we also have some birds that are feral (ie not native) that attack & kill the young of the natives.

    As much as I dislike it I do support the local wildlife authorities in their campaings to catch & euthanase a proportion of the "ïntruders" so that the native birds have a hope of surviving.

    I suppose that it is a question of balance.....


  • restrangled

    Why don't you try a realistic looking fake cat and use it as a scarecrow. Better yet, adopt a real one!


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