Did we miss the America's Most Wanted feature on McLean?

by M.J. 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • M.J.

    According to the amw website, McLean was featured on their March 31 episode. I never saw a thread on this...

    Hope they will air it again.


    Here's his data file: http://www.amw.com/fugitives/case.cfm?id=35566

  • crazyblondeb

    Profile from AMW: Trusted Church Servant Living A Double Life

    Frederick "Rick" McLean.
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    Cops say that Frederick "Rick" McLean was described as a loner by those who knew him. An expert mechanic who was financially successful in the business of buying, restoring, and reselling vintage CanAm and open-wheel race cars from the 60's and 70's, McLean lived and worked in the San Diego and Riverside counties of southern California.

    According to US Marshals, McLean was a Ministerial Servant in the Jehovah's Witnesses and was utilizing his position of trust to commit sexual crimes against young girls - some no more than five years old.

    As one victim's parents told AMW, they had no clue that an alleged sexual predator was amongst them -- even though church elders had prior knowledge of complaints against McLean from another congregation.

    McLean was an experienced outdoorsman and would often take children on overnight camping trips. Police maintain that parents trusted him with their kids because of his almost "fanatical concern" for the kids' safety.

    Authorities say that McLean was confronted a number of times over the years by those he molested, but Jehovah's Witnesses judicial committees require two witnesses to an event of molestation before taking any kind of disciplinary action. Detectives believe that by moving from one Kingdom Hall congregation to another, McLean was able to keep his crimes mostly hidden for 25 to 30 years, before finally being "outed" to the general public and "disfellowshipped", or expelled, from the religion.

    Police say he also left a neatly drawn treasure map with a family member spelling out where a large cache of money is hidden. A Treasure Map And A Quick Getaway

    Cops say McLean's victims were girls between ages 5 and twelve. View Larger

    Cops were alerted to McLean's crimes after an 18-year-old woman reported past molestations by McLean to the police in May 2004. They say that McLean probably knew he would eventually be caught and believe he had been stashing large amounts of cash around his property -- maybe as much as $400,000.

    When he found out that he was under investigation, McLean began a quick dissolution of both his business and his marriage, divorcing his wife and selling off his race car restoration business.

    Before investigators could put together a case against him, McLean had vanished with the cash. They say he also left behind a hand-drawn treasure map where a large amount of money was buried. Cops tell AMW that McLean stated that the treasure site would be revealed if he should be caught.

    Altered State of Appearance

    Clean-shaven McLean had moustache most of life and could be dyeing his hair.
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    Police say that McLean left town in a small dark-colored pickup truck, but that he also may have a 1955 Chevy hot rod, which could possibly still be in a storage unit if he hasn't sold it by now.

    Authorities maintain that he may have changed his physical appearance and purchased a new set of identity documents. He is also believed to have armed himself with a gun.

    Police say that McLean could still be in north San Diego County or Riverside County areas. They also speculate that given his extensive outdoor experience he could also be in the Cuyamaca Mountains or in the Anza-Borrego desert regions. US Marshals say that McLean would probably be living alone or in an isolated situation although acquaintances say that McLean is likely to keep an eye on his family from afar.

    According to cops, McLean is to be considered armed and dangerous and may be desperate in his need to sexually molest young girls.

  • lonelysheep

    I didn't know. I tivo this every week but just didn't have time to watch it for a few weeks. That was one of them.

  • DJK

    After we cut off the testicles of Mclane and then hang him, we should hang the JW elders who didn't report their knowledge of these crimes.

  • M.J.

    Not to worry!

    I just got an email back from the AMW Senior Producer. Here's what he replied:

    Technically, I guess you could say that we aired something about Rick McLean on March 31 st . It was literally a 15 second segment on him. He was one of four fugitives featured within a 1-minute feature we call “15 Seconds of Shame”. It is our sincere hope to air a more in-depth story on McLean at some point.

    -Van King

  • purplesofa

    thanks for posting email from Van King

    I remember getting an email back from him when we all were requesting that they air McLean on AMW

  • stillconcerned

    Did anyone get a clip of the 15 second segment?

    kimberlee d. norris

    [email protected]

  • sf
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