Alec Baldwin

by Sasha 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sasha

    Well, what do you all think of that diatribe on the phone message to his daughter? Personally, I did not see that much harm in it other then him calling her a little pig. Spare the rod and spoil the child. My son was brought up (BY ME) very strict and he is a well ajusted, fine husband of 35. And he was yelled at, at 13 and spanked with a wooden spoon when he was small. Well, not spanked, an occasional whack. And not hard. Trouble today, kids get away with murder, litterallly! So what ya' all think?

  • IP_SEC

    I dont know or care about all the details, but he sounded like a spoiled brat in that voicemail.

  • BizzyBee

    Tempest in a teapot. Name-calling is not good, and I think he said something about her "brains," also not good. Other than that I don't really see anything so significant. His threat to "straighten your ass out" I interpret as a scolding or lecture, but apparently some think it meant a physical walloping. I hope not.

  • free2beme

    Anyone who makes too much of that, has never been in a nasty custody battle and divorce. Personally, he sounded pissed off, as his daughter was playing games that seemed to be manipulated by her mother. Walk a mile in a man's shoes, before you judge him.

  • Sasha

    I am not judging him, I am defending him.

  • jaguarbass

    Trouble today, kids get away with murder, litterallly! So what ya' all think?

    I'm a juvenile detention officer and I hear the above all the time and see it, literally. Murder and their out in a few years.

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