Questions for the District Overseer

by slimboyfat 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat

    An elder is bringing the DO over to see me, so has anyone got any good questions I can put to him?

    The thought occurred to me that maybe my semi-apostate ways have somehow come to light and this is the big showdown.

    However the mundane truth is that a local elder is fitting a straggling irregular publisher (that'll be me) into a rather desolate schedule for the visiting dignitary.

    What to do?


  • tijkmo

    who is the d.o.

  • slimboyfat

    That's a good one, Ill ask him that!

    "Who exactly are you mister?"

    I'll send you a PM.


  • tijkmo


    ok heres a better one

    have a copy of the november 15 2006 watchtower to hand (man how i hate that expression - to hand- overused by jim fleming)

    ask him about the lie that concludes paragraph 3.

    remind him that as a d.o. he knows that this is a is not a mistake cos it is italicised


  • Zico

    What's the lie tijkmo?

  • ninja

    If Russell and other Watchtower presidents were not false prophets, as the Watchtower says, then why does Deut. 18:21,22 declare them to be such?...if they say they were prophets in a many kinds of prophets are there?...(gotta be only 2)...if they say they are not "inspired" prophets...let them know they are a unique 3rd type of "uninspired" true prophet...the bible does not recognise such a prophet....when I had 2 elders up and showed them this ..they had no real answer...btw what does that november WT say tijjy?

  • tijkmo

    zico...the line reads

    Disfellowshipping takes place only if a member of the congregation unrepentantly engages in gross sin.

    (italics theirs)

    the person who wrote this, the gb who approved it, the proof readers, branch members, d.o.s, c.o.s, most elders, and most family members of the wrongfully df-ed know this is a lie.

    and yet.....

  • ninja

    you could also show them that the Watchtower leadership ADMITTED they were false prophets under oath in the douglas walsh court case (1954)...covington admitted ask....How can one possibly follow a false prophet who admitted such?...Give them a parallel like ....we can see clearly David Icke was a false prophet...he claimed certain things were going to happen and they didn't ....if he apologises is it okay to give him another try? may help to let them see the folly of their position when showing an outside example....all the best mate

  • Zico

    Thanks tijkmo. I assume Slim won't actually be asking any difficult questions like yours ninja, unless he actually wants to get Df'ed! (Even though they are good questions)

  • ninja

    Hey Zico I asked they questions and didnt get d'fed....

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