Question on the new light regarding annointed and 1935

by Check_Your_Premises 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Check_Your_Premises

    I see there is some new light out there regarding the date when the ranks of the annointed stopped being filled.

    As everyone knows, this was probably the MOST untenable aspect of the annointed/two classes of Christian doctrine because, tick-tock, the world hasn't ended yet and we are quickly running out of people who could credibly have been annointed AND lived before 1935.

    My Question:

    Wasn't this date given it's credibility (since there was no scriptural basis for selecting this date) by Rutheford claiming that an angel told him?

    Sorry if this has been beaten to death already. I haven't been around for awhile.


  • V

    I don't know of a statement by Rutherford directly relating angelic communication to the 1935 closing on the anointed heavenly class. However, it was commonly printed that Watchtower teaching was communicated by angels:

    1935 "Is The Watchtower a means or channel employed by God to transmit information to his people?.. No man can properly interpret prophecy, and the Lord sends his angels to transmit correct information to his people" {WT Feb 15 1935 52}

    1936 "Jehovah has made the necessary arrangements within his organization to instruct his people, and all recognize that for some years The Watchtower has been the means of communicating information to God's people. That does not mean that those who prepare the manuscript for The Watchtower are inspired, but rather it means that the Lord through his angels sees to it that the information is given to his people in due time, and he brings to pass the events in fulfillment of his prophecy and then invites those devoted to him to see the same." {RICH 316}


  • carla


  • Pahpa

    The idea that the "high calling" of the annointed would be fulfilled predates Rutherford by a number of years. Russell, who thought the rapture would occur in the year 1881 wrote in Zion's Watch Tower of 1880: "...the high calling - to be bride- will end in the autumn of 1881." (See Penton's Apocalypse 25) Of course, Russell considered the "great multitude" as a secondary heavenly class. However, it was Rutherford who introduced the new light that the "great multitude" and the "other sheep" were an earthly class in 1935. And the Watchtower Society held to this date until recently.

    In view of the various interpretations of the Society over the years, it is not surprising that there would be another adjustment in their teaching on this subject. 1935 was 72 years ago. It, undoubtedly, becomes an embarrassment like "this generation" did. But the pivotal date of 1914 will be much more difficult to explain away as we approach the 100 year mark in just 7 years.

  • moshe

    The last couple of JW's I have spoken to seem to be fixated on the idea that they are the true religion because they are the only ones going door-to-door with the good news of the kingdom and are no part of the world. They didn't seem concerned in the least that their message had changed over the years. The Watchtower will just ignore it's failures in doctrine- like the King of the North- and just keep telling the JW's- "the end is so close" .

    I have tried to get dialogue going on 1935 changes with some JW's and it has just went over their heads. JW's seem very ignorant of the history and founding doctrines of the WT Society. We know of many linchpins in WT dogma that when exposed as being false cause their core doctrines to collapse. Unfortunately, no JW I have ever talked to has had the mental power to even see a conflict in proven facts vs/ current WT teachings. The May 1st WT questions from readers will probably cause hardly a ripple among JW's and be quickly forgotten.

  • slimboyfat
  • BluesBrother

    Quite right Moshe

    Unfortunately, no JW I have ever talked to has had the mental power to even see a conflict in proven facts vs/ current WT teachings.

    When I raised this issue with family, they gave blank looks and sniffed, saying they had never got the prior teaching anyway.....

    Is there something in the Kingdom Hall air circulation system that dulls the senses of those who spend too much time there?

  • Terry

    I've had "discussions" with my friend who is still an active JW.

    He brags about going door to door as though the ACT of door to door witnessing trumped the CONTENT of the messege contained in the magazines.

    I pointed out to him that a paper bag filled with dog poop would not make him righteous just because he delivered it in Jehovah's name.

    How is the Watchtower record of 100% false prophecy in the name of Jehovah in any way better than dog poop?

  • blondie

    Cognitive Dissonance is the feeling of uncomfortable tension which comes from holding two conflicting thoughts in the mind at the same time.

    Dissonance increases with:

    • The importance of the subject to us.
    • How strongly the dissonant thoughts conflict.
    • Our inability to rationalize and explain away the conflict.

    Dissonance is often strong when we believe something about ourselves and then do something against that belief. If I believe I am good but do something bad, then the discomfort I feel as a result is cognitive dissonance.

    Cognitive dissonance is a very powerful motivator which will often lead us to change one or other of the conflicting belief or action. The discomfort often feels like a tension between the two opposing thoughts. To release the tension we can take one of three actions:

    • Change our behavior.
    • Justify our behavior by changing the conflicting cognition.
    • Justify our behavior by adding new cognitions.

    Dissonance is most powerful when it is about our self-image. Feelings of foolishness, immorality and so on (including internal projections during decision-making) are dissonance in action.

    If an action has been completed and cannot be undone, then the after-the-fact dissonance compels us to change our beliefs. If beliefs are moved, then the dissonance appears during decision-making, forcing us to take actions we would not have taken before.

    Cognitive dissonance appears in virtually all evaluations and decisions and is the central mechanism by which we experience new differences in the world. When we see other people behave differently to our images of them, when we hold any conflicting thoughts, we experience dissonance.

    Dissonance increases with the importance and impact of the decision, along with the difficulty of reversing it. Discomfort about making the wrong choice of car is bigger than when choosing a lamp.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Blondie - That is why I believe that Jw's [and others so enculted] are so quickly able to absorb changes and move forward.

    The '1935 problem' was, in a sense, a community dissonance. Most individual Jw's are basically unclear on the unpinnings of the organization to begin with, IMO. Once the corporate mentality has dealt with the disonance that has arisen, the R&F feel no personal obligation to do anything more.

    Jw's have made the 'Organization is the Truth' concept the primary driver for all matters. The more I see them ignore the changes, the more I become convinced that they are submitting to a corporate conscience unwittingly. Truth then becomes supple and flexible in nature in the mind, rather than fixed and hardset. Hence, the ability to hold to such a foolish concept as 'current truth'.

    It becomes tantamount to the worker in a corporation. He feels little concern about the corporate lies, liabilities, and footprint it creates to the outside. His interest remains focused on the carrot dangled each week in his paycheck.

    Unfortunately, I believe the Brooklyn management understands this all too well. They could likely, with time and careful manipulation, erase and change even the basic core doctrines [hellfire, trinity, soul-sleep] without much consternation. The dropping of a doctrine like 1935, which was tremendously important to me when I was 'in', and lead me 5 years ago to begin to question the organization, is of little importance to the basic corporate robot.

    I believe the basic lack of personal disonance to be a real problem for most of the Jw's. They simply leave 'truth' and it's definition, in the hands of the corporation as too big for them to consider as right or wrong, they just go along.

    That might not have made sense to anyone but me.


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