Inspired? Spirit Guided?

by unique1 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BluesBrother

    I have debated this at length with family , friends, even elders . They all hold the party line, which is that "spirit direction" allows for human weakness and mistakes whereas "inspiration" is complete and inspired.

    I say, "then does the spirit direct them to publish what turns out to be falsehood?" - they say, "evidently it tolerates falsehood." I say "Can the Holy Spirit, exist along with error, on the same page?"

    They say," well we don't know how it operates - but it does operate and we just take everything as true until the Society say that it is changed"

    Cheesh ! Talk about having your cake and eating it too....I could understand personal shortcomings from individuals, in the same way that Peter made rash judgements and Paul had physical problems and argued with Barnabas on one reported occasion. But at least what they wrote and distributed was sound . That is what matters

    I believe the word is cognitive dissonance ....So many have decided that the Society is right and will hold it to be right, even when it is wrong...

  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    It's just manipulative wording that religions use to goat people toward them in a attempt to increase their flock, when they say we are inspired their selling their own power

    domanence............ Power and control in the hands of ignorant uneducated men is never a good thing for humanity and never will be.

    Throughout human history men have always try to harness the power of god toward themselves in a exploitive way, the WTS. is just another case study of that attempt.

  • unique1

    Blues brother, I feel your pain.

  • Warlock

    I was spirit guided last night..............................after a couple of Screwdrivers.


  • SPAZnik

    "it is the same reason a gambler will keep betting even though they are loosing."

    EXCELLENT analogy, rassillon!

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    Witnesses who excuse the Governing Body's mistakes do so because of whom the GB claims to be. This is far far more important than anything it says.
    (This should be addressed with the help of the neo-Babylonian chronology, since it shows the Governing Body's underhand tactics and removes the basis for their existence.)

    But even more so, these Witnesses know full well the draconian consequences of saying anything against the Governing Body, even within the home.

    So they say things they have to say, rather than what they would say if they were free to do so.

    So, rather than feeling anger, I have such deep deep sorrow for them.

    (I think that "draconian" is named after a Greek guy Draconius who said that any crime, no matter how small or how large, should receive the identical punshment. That's going by memory, so you would need to check whether I am correct.)


  • Arthur

    The problem in all of this talk about "spirit-directed" and "inspired" is that the Watchtower Society leadership demands that all followers put as much trust into the Watchtower publications as they would the inspired writings themselves. "Spiritual food from the slave" carries with it the implication that it is above and beyond inferior human reasoning which comes from "non-slave" sources.

    When doctrines have to be scrapped, the friends are reminded that the "slave" is not inspired, and thus makes mistakes. Okay, fine. But intellectually honest people would not demand that their fellow Christians give unquestioning agreement and submission to uninspired teachings that are subject to change. The inspired apostles themselves didn't even show such flagrant arrogance.

  • rescuer
  • found-my-way
    When doctrines have to be scrapped, the friends are reminded that the "slave" is not inspired, and thus makes mistakes. Okay, fine. But intellectually honest people would not demand that their fellow Christians give unquestioning agreement and submission to uninspired teachings that are subject to change. The inspired apostles themselves didn't even show such flagrant arrogance.


    That is one of the best explanations of WHY the FDS is wrong that I have read.

    Thank you for putting it so eloquently simple! Exactly right.

  • Shazard

    I start feeling that Catholics were "Spirit Gudided" all the 2000 years!

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