brody and new mutts

by purplesofa 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • asleif_dufansdottir
    poses so well!!!!!!!!!

    Hah, what the pic doesn't show is her trying to rip the stuffing out of the heart, shred the roses, and run around the store saying "you can't catch me"

    Fortunately, she will look really cute if you have treats.

  • juni

    Our mutt from the Humane Society lived the longest life (14 years) of all of our dogs. She was so smart and a very well behaved dog. Got her when she was around 9 mo. old - the vet calculated her age by her teeth. She was a stray and scared to death of horses. Her history was locked away and she told no one. lol

    Don't you love their puppy breath??



    Purps..Nice Dawgs..I had to get rid of one of mine..He was a bunny killing,squirrel eating,growl at the nieghbours wife in her own yard,shit in the house dawg..Shit`n in the house,is what got his ticket punched..Now,he`s got a new home..Too far away for me to strangle him..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • DanTheMan

    aww....I love dogs

    Sophie was my favoritest dog ever

  • purplesofa

    Sophie was my favoritest dog ever


    I do still miss Sophie, she had the best personality and was so fun to watch RUN!!!


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Awww sweeties!!

    That's really good of you and your neighbour to take the dogs in.

    I can't have a dog as I'm out all day but I'd love to get an Irish Wolfhound some day.

  • unique1

    too cute.

  • juni

    OUTLAW said -

    Purps..Nice Dawgs..I had to get rid of one of mine..He was a bunny killing,squirrel eating,growl at the nieghbours wife in her own yard,shit in the house dawg..Shit`n in the house,is what got his ticket punched..Now,he`s got a new home..Too far away for me to strangle him..LOL!!...OUTLAW

    We gave ours who would not stop eating his poo to someone else. They knew of this as I was upfront about it. They love him.

    He was a loverboy, but that poo eating was too much for me. I tried EVERYTHING to stop it, but he would still eat his and our other dog's crap. He'd wait for the crap to fall and gobble it up.

    Juni A further note here as to how gross it was - he loved to lay between my legs while I read. One day he burped and I felt something warm between my legs (no comments ) It was liquid poo!!! That was it for him and my patience. Sorry if I made someone sick!

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