Cowboy Honeymoon

by Mile 0 1 Replies latest social humour

  • Mile 0
    Mile 0

    After the wedding, the cowboy from Texas takes his young bride to England for the honeymoon. After finding a suitable hotel, the Texan walks up to the front desk and sounding like the cowboy that he is, says to the clerk "Hi! I'm from Texas and I jus' got married - this here's my little woman - and we want your best room.

    The clerk replys with his thick British accent "I say! Would you like the "bridal"?

    "Naw", the cowboy drawls, "I'll jus' hold her by the ears 'till she gits used to it."

    Mile 0

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote
    The clerk replys with his thick British accent "I say! Would you like the "bridal"?


    "Naw", the cowboy drawls, "I'll jus' hold her by the ears 'till she gits used to it."

    "Ah'll jes hold'er bah . . .teyah . . . use't'it . . . "

    Mile 0

    Corrections provided bah one helluva suth'en/Yankee, outbred wench.

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