Money hiding

by Manjana 20 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Manjana

    Hi Tophat

    And also thanks to you too.

    I totally agree. They are a cult. In Denmark we have had discussions with them whether if they are a cult or not. And they are so much up tip toing to convince us all, that they are not. But they could'nt convince us.

    At first when I read Raymonds book (cant remember the name in english) about Mexico, I could'nt belive my eyes. And I had to put it away for some time. It hurted to read it. It was about 3.4 years ago I think. Now I can read it all without pain, but with anger.

    The Organisation is like a circus, puling the witnesses around like clowns, if you know what I mean. Not many are aware of what really is going on.

    Money means all to them. They dos'nt care if anyone get hurt, die or loose family because of df. I hope so much they loose in the France court and every other countries who takes them to court.

    Let them pay all the taxes they own many towns and countries.


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