Blood Question...

by rosiegurl 7 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • rosiegurl

    Forgive me in advance if I seem to not really know alot....I didn't pay really close attention at the meetings when I was a kid and I kinda just wasn't into it when I was an adult...I just kinda 'did what they said to do' >.< I know horrible. is my question. Wasn't the 'no blood thing' from the old testament? and part of the laws given to the Isrealites...the laws that Jesus put an end to when he was born and gave his life for our sins? If I understand correctly the slave class want us to follow a law that Jesus abolished. I will have to pull out my Bible and get the scriptures cuz I'm SURE I remember there being a scripture saying Jesus came to abolish or clear or somethign to that effect the law. And so we were to live by the 'principals' of the law but no longer were bound by that law.

    Just curious..maybe I was listening at those meetings...or maybe I just caught a few things here and there and put them together wrong...anyone care to help me on this one?

  • garybuss

    The slave class can now be spiritually below a ministerial servant and still be an anointed. Witnesses can now take all fractions of all blood parts and can take their own blood back in during and after surgery. Witnesses can take cow's blood transfusions.

  • Arthur

    According to the Old Testament, abstaining from blood was not a commandment exclusive to the Law Covenant. If you may remember, in the book of Genesis, Jehovah also commanded Noah (and his offspring) to refrain from eating blood.

    The first-century Christians were also commanded not to eat blood. When the Jerusalem council settled the circumcision issue, they wrote to the congregations that they did not wish to place any other burden upon Christians; but to continue abstaining those things which were strangled, and from blood.

    The WTS asserts that taking a blood transfusion constitutes "feeding" on blood. So according to the WTS, taking in blood is not something that is dismissed with the Law Covenant; as circumcision was; because it was a command that goes above and beyond the Law Covenant - to all of Jehovah's people.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Wasn't the 'no blood thing' from the old testament? and part of the laws given to the Isrealites...the laws that
    Jesus put an end to when he was born and gave his life for our sins?

    Yes, it was part of the OT. The WTS says it goes back to Noah, but that's only the part about eating blood
    from animals. The WTS goes on about the only proper use of blood is to pour it on the ground or the alter as the Mosaic
    Law says- we don't use the alter so it should be discarded.

    This makes no sense if fractions from blood that wasn't poured on the ground are okay. That donated blood is used in
    a way that violates their doctrine, but it's okay to accept it- just not give it. A load of crap.

    Here was my argument on this:
    OTWO: "Their own policy says to pour it out, discard it. How can you take fractions from someone who donated blood?"

    JW: "If you don't want fractions, don't take them."

    OTWO: "No, that's not the issue. I say that this teaching is inconsistent. We can't donate blood, but we can use donated
    blood from someone else."

    JW: "It's wrong, but they did already."

    OTWO: "If someone buys you a lottery ticket that wins, it's wrong but they did it already. WTS wants you to walk away and
    not collect the winnings?"

    JW: "In that example, you would be showing your approval of gambling."

    OTWO: "In the first case, you would be showing your approval of donating blood."

    JW: "If it bothers you, you don't have to accept fractions, it's a conscience matter."

    It just goes in circles.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Here's a great place to start:

    Watchtower 2000 October 15 p.31

    “Occasionally, a doctor will urge a patient to deposit his own blood weeks before surgery (preoperative autologous blood donation, or PAD) so that if the need arises, he could transfuse the patient with his own stored blood. However, such collecting, storing, and transfusing of blood directly contradicts what is said in Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Blood is not to be stored; it is to be poured out—returned to God, as it were. Granted, the Mosaic Law is not in force now. Nevertheless, Jehovah’s Witnesses respect the principles God included in it, and they are determined to ‘abstain from blood.’ Hence, we do not donate blood, nor do we store for transfusion our blood that should be ‘poured out.’ That practice conflicts with God’s law.”

    Paul warned against those that revert to the Mosaic Law;

    2 Corinthians 3:14-15

    “But their mental powers were dulled. For to this present day the same veil remains unlifted at the reading of the old covenant, because it is done away with by means of Christ. 15 In fact, down till today whenever Moses is read, a veil lies upon their hearts.”

    At Acts chapter 15 and chapter 21 it is recorded that the Apostles and Older Men gave a decree to “abstain from blood”. At first glance this may be taken to imply that the Mosaic Law was to continue applying to Christians in regard to consumption of blood. This is how Jehovah’s Witnesses currently understand this scripture and is their predominate support for refusing blood transfusions.

    This is not how this scripture is understood by the majority of Christian religions or Pastor Russell. The situation at Acts was very specific. Jewish Christians were having difficulty accepting Gentile Christians. Paul, the Apostle to the Nations, was converting Gentiles and rightfully taught that they were not obligated to follow the Mosaic Law. Judaizers were a group of Jewish Christians claiming to be superior to the Gentile Christians due to following the Mosaic Law. As explained in the New Catholic Encyclopaedia, Judaizers were;

    “A party of Jewish Christians in the Early Church, who either held that circumcision and the observance of the Mosaic Law were necessary for salvation and in consequence wished to impose them on the Gentile converts, or who at least considered them as still obligatory on the Jewish Christians.”

    The Apostles and older men convened to discuss the application of the Mosaic Law and came to the conclusion that observation of the Mosaic Law was unnecessary. However they recommended that ‘the believers from among the nations’ observe fours things from the Mosaic Law.

    This is not an exhaustive list of things to abstain from (murder being obvious omission) so why was this unusual list given. It was to prevent stumbling Jewish brothers. This was explained in the Watch Tower 1909 April 15 pp. 116-117 and is the common Christian understanding. The New Catholic Encyclopaedia states;

    “These four prohibitions were imposed for the sake of charity and union. As they forbade practices which were held in special abhorrence by all the Jews, their observance was necessary to avoid shocking the Jewish brethren and to make free intercourse between the two classes of Christians possible….

    With the disappearance of the Jewish-Christian community of Jerusalem at the time of the rebellion (A.D. 67-70), the question about circumcision and the observance of the Law ceased to be of any importance in the Church, and soon became a dead issue.” (The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII Copyright © 1910 by Robert Appleton Company Online Edition Copyright © 2003 by K. Knight as displayed at 17/09/2005)

    Sorry to overwhelm you, but this was a tough subject for me to learn. I pulled this from a previous thread:

  • Vinny

    Here are two blood debate threads between JW's and EX JW's. In both cases the JW was TROUNCED. All issues are thoroughly covered here:

    The WT got blood WRONG.

  • rosiegurl

    Thanks for the links guys...helpe a bit...gotta do some of my own research on it ......36 years of believing one way ...kinda hard to all the sudden switch ;p

  • Arthur
    36 years of believing one way ...kinda hard to all the sudden switch ;p

    Well, sometimes we don't always have to necesarilly switch our beliefs and outlook. When we leave the Watchtower Society and get to honestly evaluate all of the information and evidence for ourselves; sometimes we find that we merely adjust some of our views.

    Be patient with yourself. It takes a lot of time to sort these things out mentally. I was born and raised a Witness, and was so for some thirty years. I have come to realize that figuring out what is true, what is false, and what is a gray area, takes a lot of time and patience.

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