To all JW lurkers

by Junction-Guy 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    Maybe we need to set aside one day a month to post a story like Junction-Guy did- well done! It worked.

    Good idea Brother Moshe. Let's do this the second and fourth Saturday of every month. LOL!

    All jokes aside, it's a superb idea to provide lurkers the encouragement they need to get on the road to recovery from the high-control group known as Jehovah's Witnesses.


  • nvrgnbk
    G'day lost%confused and mrchuffster. I had faded for nearly ten years and was terrified the demons would get me when I first posted.

    A non-witness would never understand the kind of mind control that causes that sort of fright.

    Big-Mouth, you do know they really are gonna get you, don't you?

  • gonga

    i have been lurking for about six months.i have been inactive for almost a year.i havent been to a meeting since nov .

    because i have decided i can never be as good as the jws THINK they are .i have been in the truth since 1984.and have always

    been made to feel guilty because i could never do enough .no mater how much i did in fs ,meetings and all of the other stuff i was pushed

    to do more ,more,more, i begain asking questions ,but the only answers i got was go out in service more pray more study more ..

    so i begain looking for answers on this site.and i am so glad i did . i have found out that i am not the only one who has been made to feel

    guilty, ashamed,and worthless, i dont think i will go to the memoral,but different ones have been calling ,and putting the pressure on .

    but i am not going back.

  • MeneMene

    Welcome gonga!

  • bigmouth

    Welcome gonga! Did you copy and paste one of my first posts!!?? LOL.

    Except I came 'in' in 1982ish. Suicide attempts, depression and hospitalisation saved me from 'The Truth'.

    Still got told to pray more!

    How do you survive???


  • bigmouth

    'Big-Mouth, you do know they really are gonna get you, don't you? '

    nvrgnbk, don't say it out loud man! You know the demons can't read minds.

  • junctions-wife

    Bigmouth, I would have to disagree on one aspect of your post "a Non-witness would not understand the mental games"

    I understand perfectly and I am A NON-JW. At first no I didn't understand I wanted to, but Dave kept it away from me. Oh well just thougt you would like to know.

    Welcome new ones!!! Take your shoes off and sit down and relax!!! Everything with be ok.


  • vitty

    My husband told a work collegue that he no longer goes to meetings, hes had many disscussions with him in the past and we thought he was a RV, he was quite surprised and my husband thinks he maybe more involved than hes said.

    My husband told him to go on this forum, I hope he has i feel so guilty that we may have encouraged him to think it was the "truth"

  • greendawn

    Their whole mode of operation is based on deception and they are hiding important secrets from their followers their real motives and aspirations are very different from the ones they present to their members who are to them mere objects to be manipulated and exploited. They may talk in a way that makes them appear authentic christians but deep down they are not what they convinced their followers to be.

  • bigmouth

    To Amanda, yes it was a bit of a sweeping statement. I didn't realise you were a non JW. And of course people like jgnat too would understand.

    I talked to a visiting nurse last week about my experience as a Witness. After a half hour she said 'it sounds like a cult!' 'Yes!' I said, 'now you're getting it.'

    But I suppose it must be like a woman who is frightened to leave an abusive relationship perhaps?

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