God as a role model, what lessons do we learn from him in the OT?

by frankiespeakin 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    Take the case of Abraham being asked by God to sacrfice his son, or his commands to Joshua in the take over of the promised land, what example is God setting as a role model, that christians are encouraged to follow as beloved children?

  • Fleshybirdfodder

    Oh, you hit a soft spot there.

    "Love me or I'll punish you." One has only to read that nonsense to realise what a sick, warmongering, insecure God Yahweh is. Look at his progeny... those he chose to be judges and kings. Mass murderers guilty of genocide. Womanizers. Torturers of animals.
    Guess he created them in his image...


  • stillajwexelder

    that he sure loves the smell of burnt animal flesh - in fact "It is a restful odor" to him

  • frankiespeakin

    I thinking that Abraham being asked by God to kill his son and then for God to say he was only kidding. That would be very cruel joke that would have caused serious trama to Isach, would not be a very example for modern christians parents to follow.

  • jaguarbass

    If you don't like your toys you can destroy them.

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