Strange Progressive Dreams

by Casper 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Casper

    I have been widowed twice, once at 28 and again at 41...

    Since that time I had vivid dreams of both Husbands.

    My first Husband, started out with me looking for him, everywhere. I remember being in a room full of phone books, stacked from floor to ceiling. I sat among them, going through them one by one. Other times people would tell me they saw him somewhere, and by the time I would arrive he would have just left.

    Over time I would arrive just in time to see him getting in a vehicle and leaving. I was never able to catch up. This progressed to where He would respond to my calling for him.. by turning and smiling at me.

    This went on for a period of years, off and on. It came to the point that I would receive phone calls telling me he would be such and such and for me to be there. I never knew who it was on the phone, I would go and wait for him. He would arrive, but never speak to me, just smile. There was always other people around.

    Again over time, we were finally in the same place, sitting at a table outside, like an outside cafe. We finally talk, he tells me he has met someone and that he is happy. I also tell him the same. We part friends. And the dreams end for good. This took place over a period of 15 years. It's been 9 years since the last one.

    My Second Husband (a JW) is always in a Suit. Usually we are in line at a cafeteria (school lunch style) he never speaks to me, just nods and smiles. Sometimes I am standing right behind him..but, I am afraid to touch him.. It goes thru my mind that maybe he is not real.

    I have this dream off and on for a couple years...more or less the same. Finally we met in a public place and he tells me that he has met someone and that he is Happy. I wish him well and we part friends.
    This took place over a period of around 6 years. It has been 4 years since the last one.

    I never tried to touch either of them... it seemed off limits. These were VERY vivid dreams.

    I have never dreamed of thier actual deaths, one a violent death, the other sudden physical illness.

    I don't know what any of this means, just my personal experiance. I feel that it's just the minds way of coping with emotions and helping the innerself come to terms with the traumas of both situations.

    I do have to say, it seemed really odd, the way they progressed...always moving forward, until resolved. I also think it odd that they both told me the same thing !! I have not been able to find anyone with the same experiences in my personal life or on the internet.

    Anyone out there, have any similar dreams of lost loved ones...that progressed over time.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Not me, Casper. But I've heard that dreams are our brain's way of processing and finding solutions for things that occur in our lives. Sounds like your brain works very well. :)



  • journey-on


    The fact that you brought these old dreams up again tells me the issues that caused you to have them in the first place may be rearing up again in your life. Perhaps there are some things that you have not fully sorted out and it's time to do it. Dreams are very important, especially recurring dreams. There are different types of dreams: ones that simply "wash" out the day's activities; ones that "speak" to you for some reason; and prophetic dreams or dreams that show you something you need to know.

    I know that there are those on this forum that are going to poo-poo what I'm saying, but my experience in the field of dream interpretation is not new for me. The only advice I should say right now is that one's dreams are very personal and should never be revealed to people who do not care about you. When you have a dream that touches you deeply such as this one, it is telling you something in symbolic or metaphorical language. YOU MUST pay attention to numbers, colors, people, places, feelings, thoughts, and all details that you can remember. It is telling you something you need to know in order to advance, move on, or change.

    There are universal symbols and there are personal symbols. Interpretation is not for the novice !!! When the universe/cosmos/divine/ communicates something to you in a dream, you should "listen". I could tell you more, but I'll leave it at that for now. Think about what these two men represent in the grander scheme of your life and try to remember the details of the dream. Focus on what the symbols represent to you then go from there.

    Warm wishes to you. Life is a revelation and dreams assist.

  • LtCmd.Lore

    Last night I had a dream that I was in a front of a really big stone house, it was all black and white. (That thing about the lack of color in dreams is a bunch of bull, I normally dream in color.)

    As I walked up the path, color came from my feet and the grass turned green around me. When I got inside my family was there in a big ballroom, along with a bunch of people I didn't know, and some friends who I haven't seen in years, they were all frozen in time. Tottally still with horrified expressions on their faces. Also black and white.

    I had to touch them to put the color back in, and then they just fell to the ground unconscious... I went through the whole frozen building touching the walls and people to put the color back in and restore time.

    It was the first dream I remembered in quite a long while, so I figured I'd post it.


  • journey-on


    While the dream is still fresh in your mind, write down every detail you remember. People, feeling, thoughts you had during the dream, numbers especially, places, colors, etc. etc. Record the date. Perhaps we'll discuss your dream in a separate thread. If you don't usually remember your dreams, but remember this one vividly for some reason, it's TELLING you something. Remember it. Again, there will be people on this forum who will poo-poo dream interpretation, and I say it again: it's not for the novice. Dreams assist in helping you understand important revelations in your life and you can learn much through analyzing the personal symbology in them. Be wary of whom you tell your dreams to.

  • Casper

    Thanks for the responses..

    I started keeping tract of these dreams when I noticed the way they were moving forward... Intense yes..! Over time, I kind of looked forward to them, just to see where they would end.

    Journey-On... I never really tried to interpret the dreams, just took them at face value, you bring up some very interesting points. I think dreams are fascinating.

    Wow, LtCmd.Lore, That was some Dream..! My dreams are always in color. I don't remember ever dreaming in black and white.

    I have been looking for someone else that has experienced the same type of progression for a couple years... So far, No One..


  • Hellrider

    I don`t know what you mean by "progressive", but my dead parents sometimes show up in my dreams still. My mother has been dead for 6 years, my father for 20 years. And all of a sudden, they pop up in dreams, in the weirdest, most surreal contexts. It`s not so uncommon, I think (and hope, lol).

  • Casper


    I mean in the way they moved forward, as in a story line.. . Just thought it was strange. :)


  • geevee

    depends on your perspective. Dreams of loved ones can mean in some circles that the deceased loved on is checking in on you from their new abode. Maybe they were both helping you via your dreams to move on and you were helping them to move on by being ok with their new situation and that you were coming to terms with your new situation.
    It is easy to still look at life/death through with some tainting from former beliefs? And there are other points of view.
    What wonderful dreams!

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    I have some basic understandings about dreams, the things you last think of before going to sleep can cause you to have dreams or nightmares, I had this 2 months ago, really bizzare, its a very short dream but scared me and I dont know if it means anything.

    The dream is very short, I see a vase in front on me, I extend my right arm to grab the vase but the vase moves to the right by itself, the shock from seeing the vase move by itself causes me to wake up.

    According to yahoo answers

    To dream of a vase, denotes that you will enjoy sweetest pleasure and contentment in the home life.

    To drink from a vase, you will soon thrill with the delights of stolen love.

    To see a broken vase, foretells early sorrow. For a young woman to receive one, signifies that she will soon obtain her dearest wish.

    To see a vase in your dream, symbolizes the womb and all things feminine. You are open to criticism or suggestions. The dream also represents creativity.

    But I can't find anything about moving vases, the vase is red and has no handles.

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