What Excuses Did You Use To Get Out Of Meetings & Service?

by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Most persons that I knew used either sickness or work as an excuse.......What about you???

  • kwintestal

    I used every possible excuse that I could think of.

    Sickness, car got stuck in the snow so I couldn't give that talk, restaurant took to long and didn't have time to get home to get changed, work ... there were a few.


  • minimus

    As as an elder, I REALLY looked forward to snowstorms in New England. The trick was we couldn't cancel the meeting TOO early or else arouse suspicion that we were happy the meeting had to be cancelled too. Our PO notoriously either waited until 6 o'clock to cancel or would decide that we'd have a meeting anyway, even though it was treacherous. Quite often, I refused to kill myself to go to a meeting.

  • Inquisitor

    I once prepared the material for a meeting. Ran my comments-opinions (criticising the Society's interpretation of the scripture) with my folks to prove that I have prepared for that meeting, only to tell them later, "Yup, there's nothing more I could possibly learn at the meeting this evening*. I'll be hanging out with my friends tonight then." Needless to say they weren't impressed with my attitude. But guess what? I got away with it.


    *does this count as an "excuse" or an actual reason? lol. Hope i'm not going off tangent here.

  • zagor

    I didn't use many excuses as no one was over me to be there except eldorados.

    I only ever used excuses to avoid having talks from the platform, not that they were buying it. Which is rather funny when you think of it, they must have known I was doing slalom on them but I was still considered upstanding dub, probably 'cause they had even bigger skeletons in their closests. Oh yes I remember, they did lol ;)

  • minimus

    Some elders would get disturbed if they were told they HAD to miss a meeting because their cat was sick.

  • blondie

    It's boring

  • stillajwexelder

    When I was an elder I used the "I have an urgent shepherding call" quite a lot

  • minimus

    Stilla, to get out of meetings???

  • undercover

    Sick and work were the two I used the most...but every now and then, I'd come up with some other excuse, like a relative in the hospital. I remember using that one, but I didn't go visit the relative either, it just came in handy when someone later asked where I was.

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