I just do not understand........

by WildHorses 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Julie

    Hi James,

    :looking back at being a jw ---i see nothing more dangerous than when a man or woman sincerely believes that they are directed, inspired or being spoken to by god- that is so dangerous

    Truer words were never spoken my friend. Delusional=dangerous.

    Take care,

  • WildHorses

    Faith in God, being a Christian is really a personal relationship, and is between God and the individual.

    Amazing, I have been saying this for sometime now. I will never again in my live join a religion. It's the Christians of religions who are the worst for juging people. I just wish that people would get a grasp of what Jesus said about not judging uless they want to be judged. It sickens me to hear Christians condeming others when most of them in some way or other are also doing things they shouldn't do. For Gods sake, we are all sinners. not just the non Christians. We who believe in God are not better than those who do not. It are those who do not believe that Jesus said we to try and win over by our fruits. I do not see many good fruits in the religion joing Christians.

    Sorry this was so long but I needed to vent.


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