Start your own conspiracy theory...just for fun!!!!

by restrangled 13 Replies latest social entertainment

  • restrangled

    Make Your Own Conspiracy Theory

    Confused about how the world works? Why not make sense of it all with a grand conspiracy theory! However, there are just too many of these floating around. Here, courtesy of Turn Left you can come up with a Wacko Right Wing Conspiracy Theory of your very own. Simply enter your selections, click the button at the bottom of the page and print it out. You'll be the hero of your next militia meeting. Have fun, and remember...They are Watching You!

    This is a new conspiracy theory, based on Javascript. It has been tested with Netscape 3.0 for Mac and PC and Internet Explorer 3.0 for the PC. If you get errors when running it using one of those browsers, please send me e-mail telling me the exact wording of the error and what browser/OS you are running. You can always access the old make-your-own conspiracy page.

    A concept

    A group

    A minority

    A group of people

    An event in history

    A place

    A famous historical event

    An annoying habit

    An act of violence

    A "righteous" person or group

    A place no one would want to go to

    A (plural)method of transportation

    A decisive action one can take

    A liberal person or group

    A conservative person or thing


  • gumb

    What a great idea, restrangled! At last a bit of light relief.

  • monkeyshine

    Restrangled has come up with a genius idea. This is a person so conniving, there evilest of schemes go unnoticed and are even embraced as "Light relief."

    Restrangled's latest ploy is to divert our attention away from real conspiracies by making a mockery of off the wall theories. While we concoct a made up theory, the real conspiracy is unfolding beneath our very noses! This thread is actually linked up to the U.S. government's data base along with George W's home computer. Any key we hit is like hitting a link that gives out our most treasured secrets.

    Laugh if you must but you will not be laughing when men in sunglasses are scoping you out through holes in a newspaper. But by then it'll be too late. You'll already be on the Govs. "Hit list". And if you so much as sneeze and it kinda sounds like "FBush", get ready for a knock on the door followed by a knock on the head.

    "Just for fun", I think not.

  • SacrificialLoon

    In order to understand communism you need to realize that everything is controlled by a Shriners Circus made up of Liechtensteiners with help from Elvis impersonators. The conspiracy first started during sack of Rome in my neighbor's house. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including Pearl Harbor.

    Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by ear wax eating.

    They want to burn ninja turtles and imprison resisters in Uranus using trains.

    In order to prepare for this, we all must burp really loud. Since the media is controlled by Elvis we should get our information from Wildebeests.

    Horray for mad libs.

  • UnConfused

    Here is my theory: The 911 thing really was planned by the Gov't, so THEY started all these hoaky weird theories to throw off the scent. Bigwilly and WAC, are all part of the plan - they work for the Gov't.

  • UnConfused

    Oh and I'm not more popular with the ladies because I'm TOO hot, so they band against me for their own protection. It's a conspiracy!

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I think sometime back in the late 80's the US government did something where it hurt people then covered it up. Did anybody hear about that one?

    -Drew, of the 'they're out to get us' class

  • restrangled

    Monkeyshine stated:

    Restrangled has come up with a genius idea. This is a person so conniving, there evilest of schemes go unnoticed and are even embraced as "Light relief."
    Restrangled's latest ploy is to divert our attention away from real conspiracies by making a mockery of off the wall theories. While we concoct a made up theory, the real conspiracy is unfolding beneath our very noses! This thread is actually linked up to the U.S. government's data base along with George W's home computer. Any key we hit is like hitting a link that gives out our most treasured secrets.

    Relax dear, the United States is not one big conspiracy ridden society........We live in the best country in the world. We are able to voice our opinions, vote as we like, voice our objections, critisize those elected to our heart's content, and any mistakes made by those in charge, eventually are exposed nightly on Cable Televison.

    Instead of being so paranoid, start thinking who you want to vote for in the next election so that you feel confident you had a say in your country's future.

    Take care dear.


  • restrangled

    I was just told that Monkeyshine wrote with "tongue in cheek".....My bad....therefore, he wins for Best Conspiracy Theory~~~~~


  • monkeyshine

    Yeah, I was just kidding Restrangled. Sorry to get ya goin' but thanks for the vote.

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