Think Russell was an original thinker? Check this out- Adventist Chart 1843

by nvrgnbk 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • M.J.

    I thought I came across quotes from the early Watchtowers containing confirmations of Miller's 1843-44 calculations and favorable language regarding Miller. I don't know offhand which WTs that came from though.

    If I remember correctly, 1844, according to the WT at the time, was supposed to be a "type" of Christ's birth in the 1st century. I don't remember the particular significance of 1844 which this was supposed to relate to. Since Christ was baptized 30 years after his birth, the modern equivalent was thus his parousia 30 years later in 1874. This was just one of many ways that "confirmed" 1874 as the big year.

  • M.J.

    "Noting the date marked so prominately, it is very easy for the finite mind to conclude that all the work to be done must center about it, and thus many are inclined to anticipate more than has been really foretold. Thus it was in 1844, in 1874, in 1878 as well as in 1914 and 1918. Looking back we can now easily see that those dates were clearly indicated in Scripture and doubtless intended by the Lord to encourage his people, as they did, as well as to be a means of testing and sifting when all that some expected did not come to pass. That all that some expect to see in 1925 may not transpire that year will not alter the date one whit more than in the other cases."--May 15, 1922 Watch Tower, p. 150.

  • nvrgnbk
    1844, in 1874, in 1878 as well as in 1914 and 1918. Looking back we can now easily see that those dates were clearly indicated in Scripture and doubtless intended by the Lord to encourage his people, as they did, as well as to be a means of testing and sifting when all that some expected did not come to pass. That all that some expect to see in 1925 may not transpire that year will not alter the date one whit more than in the other cases."--May 15, 1922 Watch Tower, p. 150.

    Thanks, M.J. for this quote. What a bunch of unmitigated BS! Testing and sifting my arse!


    There is nothing much original about the JW religion..It`s all bits and pieces from other beliefs..Even the name Jehovah is a Catholic invention..Ever hear of a Patch work Quilt?..Jehovah`s Witness`s are a Patch work Cult..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • greendawn

    Anything that happened and was slightly unusual they used to take it as a sign that the second coming is near. The earthquake in Lisbon around 1750, the French revolution, the imprisonment of the pope etc that's how naive they were. Russellism was just an adventist offshoot, he took all his dates from Barbour and is by far the most successful of the adventist groups. They really knew how to profit out of the end of times deception.

  • DannyHaszard

    Randy Watters has this thread featured at the scroller

  • nvrgnbk

    I am humbled. Maybe one day I'll deserve the title my JW brother has given me (with affection) The Apostanator.

    Keep on rockin' Danny.

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