When and How soon should I start dating?

by Crumpet 53 Replies latest social relationships

  • Crumpet

    So I've been officially single for just over a week now. Mr C laughed fondly when I asked him in Barcelona if he missed me yet and wanted me back.

    So how soon is too soon to get back into the dating scene?

    Where is a good place to meet chaps? I'd quite like to meet people outside clubs and pubs - no that sounds wrong - I mean outside of that scene - not literally on the steps at closing time!!!

    Any recommendations? How long did you leave it after the end of a long long relationship to move on?

    Or should I turn into Miss Havisham, following the theme of my (ill-advised) "men are hateful" thread and remain single for the rest of my life?

    What pitfalls should I look out for?

  • free2think
    Where is a good place to meet chaps? I'd quite like to meet people outside clubs and pubs - no that sounds wrong - I mean outside of that scene - not literally on the steps at closing time!!!

    LMAO! I was gonna say that but you beat me to it. Sorry don't have any advice hon.

  • Crumpet

    maybe you and lonelysheep can interview prospective candidates for me next week in New York and then bring me back your findings!! I will pay a finders fee for anyone who unites me with the love of my life!

  • DJK

    Wait about two months at least. Maybe someone will find you first. It worked for me. Be patient!

  • DJK

    Most important, SMILE!

  • free2think
    maybe you and lonelysheep can interview prospective candidates for me next week in New York and then bring me back your findings!! I will pay a finders fee for anyone who unites me with the love of my life!

    You got a deal. We got it covered Crumpet. Any specifications?

  • ButtLight

    Why should there be a time limit? If its over its over,,,,,,,,,and go for it in my opinion!

    And here I thought you loved me.......and now your looking for a newbie? sheeese!

    Seriously, if you feel ready, thats all you need.

  • greendawn

    It depends on you, how long you can remain lonely without getting to feel frustrated, if just your social life keeps you reasonably happy you can afford to wait and move at ease towards finding someone to date. As for the right men it depends on their loyalty and civilised manners.

  • Crumpet

    I should clarify - I'm not lonely, but I feel solo sex requires some supplementation and also I ocassionally run out of ways to make myself laugh.

    Butt - you will always be number 1!!!

    free2think - judging from above I am looking for a vibrating comedian! LOL!

  • under_believer

    Young People Ask: When and How soon should I start dating?

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