
by hillbilly 1 Replies latest social humour

  • hillbilly

    According to a news report, a certain school in Garden City, MO was
    Recently faced with a unique problem.

    A number of 12-year-old girls were beginning to use lipstick and would
    Put it on in the washroom. That was fine, but after they put on their
    Lipstick they would press their lips to the mirror leaving dozens of
    Little lip prints.

    Every night, the maintenance man would remove them and the next day,
    The girls would put them back.

    Finally the principal decided that something had to be done. He called
    All the girls to the washroom and met them there with the maintenance

    He explained that all these lip prints were causing a major problem for
    The custodian who had to clean the mirrors every night.

    To demonstrate how difficult it had been to clean the mirrors, he asked
    The maintenance man to show the girls how much effort was required.

    He took out a long-handled squeegee, dipped it in the toilet, and
    Cleaned the mirror with it. Since then, there have been no lip prints
    On the mirror.


    There are teachers, and then there are Educators

    "What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal" -Albert Pike

  • dobbie

    ha ha thats funny, but it did remind me of when my hubby worked at the train station and one of the duties was cleaning the loos. They had one cloth to be used for mens and ladies, and which they used for cleaning around and inside the toilet bowl, wiping the poo and other unsavoury things off the walls, and then cleaning all around the sinks!They never washed the cloth out or bleached it and had the same one for years!From the moment he told me that and showed me the brown cloth that used to be white, i never used those loos again!

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