Defending WT changing Doctrines

by stillajwexelder 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hopelesslystained

    ***It wouldn't be so important if they didn't insist that they alone are the only ones who know truth. How can you really know they have the full truth (or even just enough of it) if it has changed so many times?***

    Exactly! For almost 1/2 my life growing up jw, the claim made from the podium and being instructed to explain to householders was that proof the organization has j's spirit and blessing is the fact their "truths" do not change, unlike the churches in christendom and especially the catholic church.

    go figure.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis





    THE churches are in rapid decline. Even in the United States, where religion still enjoys perhaps the greatest popularity, nearly three out of four persons polled said that it is losing influence. Why is there this decline in religion?

    One of the reasons is that people are disturbed by what is happening in their churches. Yes, millions of persons have been shocked to learn that things they were taught as being vital for salvation are now considered by their church to be wrong. Have you, too, felt discouragement, or even despair, because of what is happening in your church? A businessman in Medellín, Colombia, expressed the effect the changes have had on many.

    "Tell me," he asked, "how can I have confidence in anything? How can I believe in the Bible, in God, or have faith? Just ten years ago we Catholics had the absolute truth, we put all our faith in this. Now the pope and our priests are telling us this is not the way to believe any more, but we are to believe ‘new things.’ How do I know the ‘new things’ will be the truth in five years?"

    What are some of these changes that disturb people?

  • Mad

    The problem is that you Bashers don't WANT to look at the fact that the only 'doctrines' that change are 1-Rules of our organization (legal, political law, choices of our meetings & preaching tatics, etc.), and 2- (Thank Heavens) Guesswork on the meaning of prophecy!

    We still don't believe the typical nonsense taught by churches: Trinity, Immortal Soul, Hellfire, Christian soldiers, Purgatory, Once Saved Always Saved, etc.

  • pixel

    I've heard some talks where the guy at the KH says that science it's not worth trusting because sometimes they change things around.

    JW critics science when it changes things. Now science can't critic WT when it changes its things. How stupid.

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>1-Rules of our organization (legal, political law, choices of our meetings & preaching tatics, etc.), and 2- (Thank Heavens) Guesswork on the meaning of prophecy!

    Not sure history would back you up on this one. For instance, the meaning of the "superior authorities" from Romans 13 was thought to be the governments, then thought to be Jehovah and Jesus, and then later changed back to the governments.

    Oral sex was off-limits, then ok, then off-limits, then... who knows?

    The brothers in Malawi were tortured and killed for upholding their "neutrality", that is now called a "conscience matter". (While at the exact same time, brothers in Mexico were told to go ahead and bribe government officials to falsify their military documentation)

    These are not trivial "don't chew gum in the Kingdom Hall" rules, or guesses about the King of the North, these are seriously life-changing (or life-ending) doctrines.

    And let us not forget about the blood issue, a whole unholy topic unto itself.


  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate


    The problem is that you Bashers don't WANT to look at the fact that the only 'doctrines' that change are 1-Rules of our organization (legal, political law, choices of our meetings & preaching tatics, etc.), and 2- (Thank Heavens) Guesswork on the meaning of prophecy!

    Perhaps you would be so kind as to explain in which of those two the following fall:

    • Blood transfusions and organ transplants
    • Men with vasectomies can't be an MS or Elder
    • Limiting sexual intercourse positions within marriage

    BA- Looking forward to your thoughtful reply.

  • undercover
    The problem is that you Bashers don't WANT to look at the fact that the only 'doctrines' that change are 1-Rules of our organization (legal, political law, choices of our meetings & preaching tatics, etc.), and 2- (Thank Heavens) Guesswork on the meaning of prophecy!

    First of all, I'll take "Bashers" as a compliment, even though you probably didn't intend for it to be.

    The real facts are that most of the "Bashers" here do look at the facts. They look at the facts of how doctrine has changed over the years. They no longer accept what the WTS publishes as fact or truth. It has to be researched and proven. When the facts don't match the words or actions of the leadership, then that's when the "Bashers" speak up, to expose the hypocrisy and deviousness of the religion and its leaders.

  • nvrgnbk

    Hello mad,

    I just left you a reply on the "Voting" thread and it's a pleasure to run into you again. I see a good time is being had by all.

    I would like to elaborate on a point mentioned by my dear Brother Apostate(is that ok bro a?).

    Organ transplants: Imagine the following scenario. In the spring of 1979 your lovely pioneer wife is told she requires a liver transplant or will die. Due to her WT-trained conscience she refuses. Tragically, she does indeed die. From 1967 to 1980 receiving an organ transplant was a disfellowshippable offense because the GB(Fred Franz) considered it to be cannibalism. You arrive home one day in 1980 and joyfully note that the latest Watchtower has been delivered. Looking for some much needed encouragement, you peruse the contents. You note that the QFR in the back deals with organ transplants, a subject of great interest to you for obvious reasons. The society(I know we don't call it that anymore) has revealed that to accept or reject a transplant is now a matter of conscience. How would you feel?

    Proud card-carrying organ donor,


  • heathen

    People in the scientific community aren't telling people they believe everything or they will die a horrible death at the end of the world which has been predicted so many times and hasn't happened it's redundant to even talk about it anymore. There are no scientists going D2D selling magazines in order to save themselves and others .......

  • greendawn

    Mad, I suppose when you say doctrines you mean the core doctrines and then not all of these because the org did change even if partly some central ones eg the 1914 generation and the strictness of the blood ban allowing now blood fractions that were previously banned. These are important changes because they significantly affect members' lives.

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