April 15 WT: Society acknowledges some find its teachings hard to accept

by truthseeker 30 Replies latest jw friends


    Your avaerage JW can`t keep up with the teachings of the WBT$..They quit literally change from year to year..How many know,they can now accept blood factions?..The WBT$ is a circus,Jehovah`s Witness`s are one of thier side shows..

  • AuldSoul

    When the disciples asked Jesus he answered them honestly.

    When I asked about the Associate membership to the UN/DPI I got nothing but double-speak and defensiveness. When I asked where the Scriptures were to support various unscriptural doctrines a Judicial Committee was formed.

    I told my father I was willing to sit down with anybody who could answer my concerns from the Scriptures. There was no one.

    While Jesus' disciples may not have understood certain things prior to the arrival of the holy spirit, they were not confused after "the helper" arrived. If the Governing Body now compares itself and its dogma to the time prior to the arrival of the holy spirit I agree with them completely. Their dogma is without the influence of the holy spirit.

    If the Governing Body now compares itself to Jesus it proves Matthew 23 true in its case. It has seated itself in the seat of Jesus and painted itself the mediator for all mankind, standing between individuals and Christ.

    There is no way for them to win. They lost the moment they began to exercise spiritual authority over others, from then on it was just a matter of time. The only way out for them with dignity intact is to become humble and candidly admit what they have done to those they would call brothers. I predict they will not choose that course and it will all fall down around their ankles, showing them plainly for the asses they are.


  • Balsam

    Their always plugging the faithful discreet slave class (12 in reality) who the followers should listen too. Why is it that listening to and reading the bible is never enough. Jesus isn't the leader the so called faithful discreet are the leaders of the JW's. Because of their poor leadership qualities they are literally bringing the Watchtower Society down brick by brick. I guess one day the 12 will pocket the money they have gathered and close the doors. Pathetic bunch of mentally twisted old farts.


  • zack

    This is exactly the kind of Study Article the dubs will be in forever starting Jan. '08.

    The reason "some" (read: ME!!!!) cannot understand or accept a point of teaching from the Society is because their teachings and interpretations are neither understandable

    or acceptable. It is hubris on their part to BLAME those who seek truth, or at the very least, coherence. The WTS offers neither. We all notice what they put

    in print and WHY they put it in print. The average dub won't read this mag. 'til Sunday morning of the WT Study anyway.

    I feel like screaming when I read this stuff.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    "We should always be disposed to believe that that which appears white is really black, if the hierarchy of the Church so decides." St. Ignatius of Loyola


  • done4good

    The analogy the org uses here is false. Nothing more than a strawman attack on the r&f. The issue is not a matter the r&f waiting for understanding of current doctrine, but concerns of changing doctrine of the FDS. What Jesus was supposedly referring to, (for those that believe, I don't), was in relation to a mis, (or non) -understanding of what he said. The org is not merely saying things here that are "misunderstood". They are perfectly clear in their explanations, for the most part. The trouble is the explanations constantly change. What Jesus was referring to in the above verses was not changed by him, (or anyone else), even if misunderstood by his audience.


  • proplog2

    Back in the 50's you could actually carry on a dialog with letters to the Society. JW's used to brag that they would give answers even though their preists and clergymen would dismiss them saying "it's a mystery".

    The Watchtower writers are aware of this discussion board. You rarely see them even attempt to deal with the excellent argumentation in the context of their publications. It isn't that they won't - the problem is they can't. They have NO answers.

    The April 15 article appears to be their "response" not their answer.

    If they had answers they would publish them so their publishers could be properly armed to refute "apostates". They send their soldiers out with no weapons and no armour.

    The reason you won't find JW's participating in these discussion boards isn't because they are obediently following the Watchtower's instructions. It's because they have no answers.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    If this viewpoint of the society is true, then people in other churches should never leave their church either. They should just wait for them to get everything correct also.

  • sir82
    Suppose that a person finds a Scriptual teaching hard to understand and accept. He may

    have done research in the Bible and in publications available through the congregation and sought help from mature Christians, even elders. Still, he has a

    hard time grasping or accepting the point.


    I have no problem accepting "Scriptural teachings". It's the teachings that have nothing to do with Scripture that irk me....this blood fraction is acceptable, but that one will get you D-F'ed...going to a university is a sign of spiritual weakness...someone who sins must face a judical committee of 3 elders....private reproof requires "restrictions"...someone who is reinstated from D-F must suffer "restructions"...if someone views pornography, you must ask them this 15 questions to determine if it is merely "uncleanness" (no D-F) or "uncleanness with greediness" (D-F him)...and on and on and on...

    Idiiots ^ 2.

  • Hoping4Change

    Sorry to have to have to say this (becuase I typically prefer to stay away from using this label despite what I believe), but articles like this so easily point out why this group is so often called a Mind Control Cult. (See http://www.freedomofmind.com/resourcecenter/articles/BITE.htm#information for Steve Hassan's B.I.T.E model for Mind Control. I believe Lady Lee also has a fine post on here somewhere that compares point by point, the BITE model and the JW practices.) Sorry JW sympathizers, until the organization stops using this technique (as in this article) to guilt people into staying with an orgnaization whose policies have repeatedly broken families as well as led to unneceesary deaths "in the name of Jehovah", this "religion" will ALWAYS be rightfully called a high mind control cult.)

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