Did they put a spie on you?

by pallemar 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • pallemar

    here from denmark, we have some report, about ex withness, who have been under opsewation(bah can't spell it :P )

    they have been spy open.

    do any of you have some semilarie experience?

    it coulden be funny to compare experience.

    the headquater in denmark, allso got a break in, and all the papers they had of exwitness got stolen, it was papers, what was illigel to have.

    by the danish goverment. i gues they have the main register in New york now...

    even if this record is illigel ;)

    have it nice all :)

    sign Palle

  • Schism

    I've heard stories of elders following JWs into night clubs just to catch them there to get them DFed, but never anything about ex JWs being spied on! lol

  • needproof

    Hi Palle,

    you're English is great!

    The congregation I went to was full of gossipers and without knowing it, they were all spies. The Watchtower breeds generations of snitches 'you can't do that, i'm going to tell the elders'

  • garybuss

    I had Witnesses follow and stalk me when I was a Witness. They'd stake out my house and watch my house when I slept. They guy that ordered it was Lance Roberts. I could give a rat's ass if they follow me now.

  • Abandoned
    The congregation I went to was full of gossipers and without knowing it, they were all spies. The Watchtower breeds generations of snitches 'you can't do that, i'm going to tell the elders'

    Yeah, for a group of people that believe god's eyes are everywhere, they sure feel he needs help in the seeing and revealing side of things....

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Absolutely YESSSS, Palle! The P.O. that gave that disgusting disfellowshipping talk on the actions of the pioneer sis and MS bro is the same one that sent an older sis in the cong to spy on me. I thought she'd actually taken an interest in us and wanted to be friends, until one day in field service, she admitted why she had "befriended" us. She told me that the P.O. had sent her to spy on us and report back to him. I caught her in the ladies room at the KH with her lips whispering, pressed to the ear of the P.O.'s wife and had asked her about it. They jumped apart when I walked through the door like their forked tails had suddenly caught fire.

    The whole experience wouldn't have been embarrassing at all if my youngest hadn't decided to relate the "trumpet butt" story to her.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Some would be happy to know that KGB-like activities are alive and well in the Watchtower Society.


  • pallemar
    The congregation I went to was full of gossipers and without knowing it, they were all spies. The Watchtower breeds generations of snitches 'you can't do that, i'm going to tell the elders'
    Yeah, for a group of people that believe god's eyes are everywhere, they sure feel he needs help in the seeing and revealing side of things....

    A priceless qoute :) thanks all :)

    sign Palle

    ps. i hope one off thise agens woulde not mind to be a doubble agent. so we coulde help people, who are about to leave JW ;) he he

  • pallemar

    thanks all :)

  • kwintestal

    I was years and years ago. The elders staked out my house. I left with a girl and drove down the road. I noticed headlights behind me and looked and recognized the elder's car. I sped up but because of the snowy roads I drove into a poll. Funny story. No damage to the car, myself and the girl were OK.


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