Comments You Will Not Hear at the 3-4-07 WT Study (OBEY BIBLE)

by blondie 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • SirNose586

    Wow. I think this was the first study that was just a straight-up Product Meeting. I know the School and Service was like a training meeting, now it's just how to work that book.

  • jeanV
    In one breath the organization tells the workers not to be concerned about the overwhelming lack of response to their efforts- that the success of the ministry is not determined by the results obtained. In the next breath they're bragging about how all the "increases" in disciples and literature distribution are clear, unequivocal evidence of Jehovah's rich blessing. Articles bashing other religions state clearly that a large membership in no way, shape, or form is any indication of God's seal of approval. I'm so confused. Oh wait, that's just how they want it.

    JW always like to have it both ways

    on this paragraph we had someone (a lifetime JW) commenting that while major religious groups are decreasing in number, JW are increasing. The incredible thing is that they believe it and even worse, we used to believe it too....

    Blondie, thank you once again. great job as usual (but if could post a few hours earlier, it would be even greater).

  • nvrgnbk

    Hello jeanv,

    Sorry you had to sit through that. And yes, it's embarrassing that we used to swallow it too.


  • Terry
  • bythesea

    Excellent comments, as usual, Blondie. Since I am allowing myself to be forced back to some meetings I will be reading your comments with even more attention....maybe put some comments in my side margins for use with the hubby!

    As for orchids....our poster Going Going Gone is orchid grower extrordinairre!!! I recently received some awesome pics of some she has blooming, I believe she has about 100 or so!!! She has helped me revive the one orchid I have, so I would suggest you contact her and she can answer your questions about them! Plus, she's just a great person!!!

    Look forward to all your posts, Blondie!!


  • blondie

    Good comments everyone. Sorry jeanv, I have been ailing and even on my good days it is hard to get motivated to plow through the manure. I have been hitting the hay when I get home and dragging out of bed the next morning to go to work.

    Crying babies have been discussed in a WT study article before. This suggestion was innovative for its time but I wonder if any brothers follow it 20 years later?

    *** w88 3/1 p. 24 par. 8 Responsible Childbearing in This Time of the End ***

    Fortunately, this is not always the case. Many Christian fathers do their utmost to share the load of looking after the children. They take their full share in seeing that their children remain quiet during congregation meetings. If their baby starts to cry, or their child becomes boisterous, they in their turn will take it outside for appropriate discipline. Why should mother always be the one to lose parts of the meetings? At home, considerate husbands help their wives with the chores and in getting the children to bed so that husband and wife can sit down to concentrate quietly on spiritual matters.

    *** w54 1/15 p. 58 par. 15 Disciplining Children for Life ***

    Did any of you children ever get in trouble for not sitting still, maybe during a meeting? You should go to the fawn, you restless ones, and consider its ways, and be wise. A mother deer will conceal its baby or fawn and instruct it to freeze motionless, and it will remain without moving for hours. Rarely do fawns disobey and move, but if they do they get a spanking from sharp mother hoofs.

    and in a KM:

    *** km 9/82 p. 2 Meetings to Help Us Make Disciples ***

    When babies cry, consideration and good manners are demonstrated by parents if they temporarily withdraw from the main auditorium to calm the child.

    *** km 12/89 p. 7 Question Box ***

    Maintaining order during the meetings is essential. Since we encourage parents to bring their children to the meetings, there will be some disruptions at times. But when children continue to be restless or unruly, an attendant should kindly offer assistance, perhaps suggesting that the parent take the child out of the auditorium for a time. If parents with young children sit where they can easily exit when necessary, caring for the needs of their small children can be done with little distraction.


  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro


    I liked your comment regarding the number of "Bible Studies" conducted with members of the public vs kids of JWs. I was the secretary for several years and can share these fairly recent stats from my congregation:

    120 publishers

    6 pioneers

    # of studies (avg) - 22

    # of family studies (we counted to ensure all the elders/ms and potentials were reporting family studies with their underage/unbaptised kids) - 17

    Of the 5 with members of the "public", one was with an "unbelieving" mate. So we're down to 4. 1 was conducted by a nonpioneer.

    Regarding a few priceless comments at todays meeting, the conductor said "Don't even tell the householder you're conducting a study."

    When discussing the appendix, a pioneer sister proceeded to tell the audience that one call got into John 1:1 and wanted an explaination as to why Jesus identified himself as the Alpha & Omega if he wasn't God. "I said, Lord help me, because even the appendix couldn't help me on that one". I have a feeling this sister didn't return with the answer she promised the householder.

    I was embarrassed to study this book with anyone over 12 because of the childlike way in which it is written. Also, no mention of huge doctrines such as the FDS caught my attention when the book was released. Even as a zealous, JW elder, I wondered why that important point wasn't touch on.

    It really did feel like a service meeting and this is the type of article I expect when the WT goes to the JW only version. They're prepping the R&F for it now.

  • M.J.

    Phenomenal growth?

    I thought "the love of the greater number" would cool off--Oh, wait, that must be talking 'bout Christendom...Wait, Christendom never had "the love" to begin with. I'm confused...

  • blondie
    Regarding a few priceless comments at todays meeting, the conductor said "Don't even tell the householder you're conducting a study."

    I can remember one CO counseling us not to mention we were JWs at the beginning of our spiel.

    Another one told us not to have the bible visible, but to have the mags in our hands and to hand them to the person at the door before we even started talking and to take the bible out later if ever.

    I knew my numbers were fairly accurate based on the secretaries I have known. For a few years my husband handled those duties and I did the grunt work with a computer program. Yes, I know, it is forbidden for anyone to know how much time you report, especially a "sister."


  • jeanV

    thanks nvrgnbk, I try to see the bright side of it (if there is any ) but it is not time to rock the boat yet.

    no problem Blondie, what you do is fantastic and I wonder where you find the time for it.

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