"Funerals" The new Witless Gatherings

by pratt1 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • pratt1

    Over the last 12 months I have been invited to 3 Funerals for Dubs that was held more that a week after the person died so that more people could attend.

    Each of the funerals were held on a Saturday and there was a Community center or Hall rented out where food and drinks were served.

    All 3 had over 300 people attending and each lasted several hours.

    I think the dubs are so straved for get togethers, that they use a funeral as a means to get together.

    Has anyone else noticed this trend in your area?

  • blondie

    This is nothing new in this area. For the last 50 years that I can remember, there are gatherings where people talk and eat food at rented facilities after funerals.. Depending on the person's longevity in the WTS, size of family, and "fame" quite a few show up. It is usually potluck.


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Just a couple of weeks ago we attended a memorial for one of our old friends at the KH . After the service it was announced everyone was invited to the Country Club for a Potluck . We passed on the "festivities". At work the next day a JW worker mentioned to my husband , " I never knew you were such a funny guy. " My husband asked ' what did he mean ?'.... this "brother' tells him that at the memorial dinner they showed videos of the humorous skits the brothers(my husband included ) had made a few years ago. The man that had just died had a great sense of humor .......but ,come on really.... at the funeral dinner ! wow

  • seek2find

    Some of the only get-togethers we've had in recent years have been at deaths. Other than that no get togethers. Ever since the Society came out against "large gatherings", there hasn't been any gatherings at all unless you are a Pioneer are some special Clique group. The rest can just sufer. But by all means we are to "avoid all worldy association". seek2find

  • I quit!
    I quit!
    I never knew you were such a funny guy. " My husband asked ' what did he mean ?'.... this "brother' tells him that at the memorial dinner they showed videos of the humorous skits the brothers(my husband included ) had made a few years ago. The man that had just died had a great sense of humor .......but ,come on really.... at the funeral dinner ! wow

    I guess things like this are getting pretty common. A few weeks ago I went to a funeral for a friend who wasn't a dub. They had a lot of boards with photos on them. They also have a website for donations to the family. He was a popular little league coach in my area. This weekend I have to go to a funeral for my sister-in-law who was a JW. They wanted to do a slide presentation but I think they are just going to go with a lot of photos. I guess it was only a matter of time before hi-tech came to funerals. This will be the first JW function I have been to since I left years ago. She just passed away this morning but we have been expecting it for a few days now. A pretty crappy day around here.


    When I was a kid,my mom dragged me to every JW funeral availible..I`ve seen enough Dead Dubs to fill a Kingdom Hall..I don`t go to any funerals..The guest of honour has nothing to say..I have no intention of attending my own...OUTLAW

  • purplesofa

    when my brother died last summer..........he was buried on Friday.....Since my mom had already committed to feeding the CO at her home on Sunday after the meeting. Feeding the congo at my Moms house ......all the food sent from the congo that was not eaten seemed still like the thing to do. I am so glad I went home immediately after the funeral.

    I would like to say. This was not a witness funeral ...a brother did give the talk at the funeral home. I had not seen most of the people there for 10 years at least. And I was meeting some people for the first time. So it was very nice for us to all meet at a resturaunt after the funeral, before we all went our seperate ways.


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