Watchtower Dreams

by zgborn 2 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • zgborn

    As part of the therapy I have been back in lately, my therapist has asked me to remember my dreams so we can investigate them.

    Thrursday I dreamt that I was back in Brooklyn, and walking around the factory area which was fairly dangerous when I lived there in the late 70's and early 80's, I felt unsafe. The factory complex was being torn down by "brothers" using hand tools, hammer's and chisels and pieces of it were falling on the ground around me. The reasons why this was happening were not obvious, but I had the feeling that they had other plans for the real estate. My sister and I were looking for a restaurant to get something to eat, but couldn't find one.

    Last night I dreamt that I was on a 4WD ride in the mountains (lots of interesting waterfalls) and came on a garage sale (miles from anywhere) full of old and new WT literature. As I was leafing through it, I remember thinking what a load of BS, but maybe I would buy a few things for my mother (still a JW).

    Anyone else have any bizarre WT dreams?


  • 5go

    No but you gave me an idea for a topic Watchtower nightmares !

  • truthsetsonefree

    I have as well. Though more nightmare than anything. I try to journal them too. They seem to center around familiar faces. In one a couple of days ago I lingered around the Assembly Hall, which we used for meetings when our Hall was being renovated, and tried to look around. But then people saw me and as I started getting ambushed by elders I literally ran out. Go figure. I did recognize pieces of events which have happened in the past several weeks.

    In one I actually woke up grieving, wondering why I had left so many friends behind. I wanted to go back. Of course as one would imagine that aftereffect of the dream didn't last very long.


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