I Need Help

by Core88 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Core88

    Hi, my name is corey, I live in Indiana, so much to tell, allot of witness history. I was a MS and regular pioneer for two years...got Df'ed, don't know what to do or if I believe in god or not now...have had a few beers tonight, got mad at my Gf. HELP? Corey

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Welcome to JWD forum, Corey! There are a lot of people here who've been in your shoes, so just stick around and they'll be here to help. I don't know how you located this forum, but we're glad you found us and hope you stay to sort things out. Some of the posters here are DA'd some dF'd, some fading, some just questioning or lurking, but there are plenty here who can help you and be encouraging.

    Good luck and again, Welcome!


  • SirNose586

    Welcome to the board, core88!

    Well, if you're looking for someone around your area, you could start a thread in the same forum specifically looking for people in Indiana.

    Right now you're not sure what to believe, or if you should believe in anything at all. Now is the time to research what interests you. If you're looking for resources on evolution or atheism, tetrapod.sapien might be able to help you, as might seeker4. Search for a thread entitled "My dear atheists..." (can't remember the rest). In it there are books on atheism and resources if you want to go that route.

    Recently, there was also a thread discussion theology. I forgot who started the thread, but looking there might help.

    The more you stick around here, the more help you can get. I know a few links about WT research that might help you, if you're looking for that sort of information.

  • nvrgnbk

    Don't lose your cool. It's ok if you're unsure of what to believe about God, life, the universe, etc. That means you're an honest person. As for the situation with the gf just remember that all we have and need, regardless of belief, is the power to show love, kindness, and compassion to those around us. Stay true to who you really are, not who you were as defined by the organization. I hope tomorrow is a better day.

  • J-ex-W

    Welcome, Corey. What is it, exactly, you're asking for help with?

  • What-A-Coincidence

    you have our help corey. you now have time on your side. take one day at at a time

    remember..."This too shall pass"

  • Core88

    It's hard to open up and be honest about how I feel and my problems..I have many...I tend to go on about things that just touch on my personal trauma. One of my problems is that just recently my sister was put in a stress center for trying to OD on pills to end her life. She is a witness and I read that bit on Randy's site in the Pycho section about personality disorder in the society, and it makes sence to me, allthough I am no doctor I could myself relate to having different "faces" for different times while I was in the the group which was every year of my life up until 3yrs ago, I acted very differently depending on the situation. I don't know if that is my sisters problem, but I would really like more info on that at least for my own sake, it feels good to identify with things. She (my sister) is a new mother, I was DF'd shortly before her first "breakdown" a few years back now. I rember that the first thing my parents did was make it a "Spiritual" problem. And I watched as she covered over her feelings and started to date again the man she had left right before these mental problems... Well that man a MS in his congragation in Kentuky (I suck at spelling) is someone that reminds me of a child in his mentality. She married him with in months of being let out of a mental ward. Two months later BAM, she got pregnant. And now a stay at home mom, after being in the work force for 16yrs, is trying to OD on pills just to cry for help. That is the recent news in my world. I have not gone into my own problems with being a new dad, of a great son...great but not planned. ANd trying to deside if I want to marry his mom after these last few years of being with her and losing my virginity to her, and making her my wife, or leaving her. And weather or not to go back. I tend to blame her for being DF'ed although I know it was my choice to SCREW her. Core88 PS sorry for the bad writing of all this, just blurting it out, have to get it out!

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    ((((Corey)))) A lot of what you and your sister are and have been going through is covered in Lady Lee's "Best of...." topics. Besides the posters here that will respond, it will help you to look at the top of this page at the "Jump to:" window and click on the drop down arrow. The third one down is "Best of...." and Lady Lee, a poster on this board who is a professional and who has done much to help others who're working through the traumas that you and your sister are experiencing....well, Lee has 3 pages of recovery posts and all sorts of information and experiences that will help you and your sister and help you to help your sister. While you wait for others to respond here (and they definitely will) peruse those topics in the "Best of..." category and see what you can find that will help. :)


  • Core88

    ok, thank you.

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Sorry to hear you are in such a bad place right now. The best advice anyone ever game me is this "when you don't know what to do, don't do anything at all." When you are conflicted and confused don't make life changing decisions. Wait it out and when you are calmer and in a better place mentaly you will be able to see the wood for the trees. Ask your girlfriend not to put pressure on you right now, reassure her of your feelings and ask for time. Take it easy, you cannot sort out all your problems in one day.

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