What Have YOU Learned Since Leaving???

by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Anything you'd like to share with us??

    I learned that I truly was in a cult. I originally HATED that thought. Thought it was too harsh sounding. But it was/is the truth.

  • Rooster

    I learned to stop hating.

  • candidlynuts

    i learned that instead of being a know it all and having all the answers, i didnt know squat! i was cocooned in ignorance.

    not much brighter now but at least i'm not afraid to ask questions or research things that puzzle me.

  • minimus

    "I was cocooned in ignorance".....A GREAT expression.

  • lonelysheep

    I learned that no one has all the answers to some of life's most important questions.

  • daystar


    Does your shirt say "Detox"?!

    If so... AWESOME!!!

  • lawrence

    I learned - not everything was black or white -- many grey levels.

    I learned -- wearing a tie shuts off the oxygen supply to the brain.

    I learned -- we were given a conscience for a reason (so no man could control us).

    I learned -- there was much beauty in this world.

    I learned -- to stay away from all cults.

  • daystar

    "All is Mind, the Universe is mental"

    "Nothing is real, all is permissible"

    Sex is best when it's one on one. (anyone? anyone?)

    There is nothing quite like living your life for yourself rather than constantly pandering to other people's wishes, even those people you think you love and who you think love you.

    We must each find and follow our own paths like the stars that we are. We have no choice about it whether we realize it consciously or not. So, best to accept it and follow the path with eyes wide open.

    "'Do what thou wilt' shall be the whole of the law; Love is the law, Love under Will."

  • cyberguy

    I learned that I should have gone to college instead of pioneering and Bethel. I regret not saving money for retirement or making plans for when I can no longer work; now I’m in real trouble at my age! I realize now how little of the Bible I really understood as a JW for 44 years. I could go on-and-on, but these issues come immediately to mind.

  • lonelysheep

    Does your shirt say "Detox"?!

    If so... AWESOME!!!


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