Jan. 1, 2007 QFR quote re: annointed alive @ GT

by Justitia Themis 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    This subject was discussed last week. I do not know if anyone has posted this information or not. If they have, please disregard.

    Question: What is the sealing referred to at Revelation 7:3?

    Discusses two phases of sealing, initial and final. The final paragraph states: "When will the remnant of anointed Christians who have initially been sealed receive their final sealing? Any still alive on earth will be sealed "in their forehead" before the outbreak of the great tribulation. When the four winds of tribulation are unleased, all of spiritual Israel will have been sealed in finality, even though a few will still be alive in the flesh and must yet finish their earthly course.


  • Rooster

    The light is changing. Keep up with the mother ship will you?

  • penny2

    I also thought this was an interesting comment. Especially because they have said the 144,000 was complete in 1935 (except for replacements for those who had become unfaithful).

    It would be interesting to know how many of the pre-1935 group are still alive.

  • greendawn

    Biblically it doesn't make sense all the elite will be taken up to heaven in an instant together with the just resurrected saints AT THE SAME TIME, the living and the resurrected. They will not linger on here on earth as humans. Once more the FDS is distorting the Scriptures.

  • Gill

    With members of the 'remanant' ever increasing, how can this be the case that few of them will be alive?

    Infact, 'remnant' figures are going up, proportionally, much faster than great crowd figures. They must be the only part of the WTBTS that is recruiting well!

  • greendawn

    Indeed the number of the "anointed" went up last year, it seems that all the older ones are failures that need to be constantly replaced, that's the only way to explain it. Above all the GB members are spiritually dead and abysmal failures.

  • blondie

    The WTS once taught that some of the anointed would live through Armageddon and spend some time in the "paradise earth."

    They also say that some of them have to be alive when the GT starts (it is for their sake that God steps in per the WTS).

    They teach that the GT starts shortly after Babylon the Great is destroyed and that the marriage of the Lamb to the bride (anointed) has to take place then. They can't make up their mind whether all the anointed have to be dead by that time and in heaven for the marriage. I find it hard that some would be on earth for that (per the WTS scenario). What bride wants to miss the ceremony?

    I have posted on this before and it shows another way the WTS does not have the ear of those in heaven.


  • onacruse

    This was a matter of considerable discussion, and consternation, throughout the Russell period and well into and through the Rutherford period.

    Basically, Russell saw the selection of the anointed as being "when you're 'called by God,' you are thereby chosen, and automatically of the anointed"...thence beginning the 'proving' period during which you ultimately demonstrate your faithfulness to the calling and choosing--this led to the emphasis on "character development," (an individual experience and course of life, measured by individual consequences).

    Rutherford characterized the 'confirmation' of truly being of the anointed in terms of 'what one did' to prove that they were actually of the anointed class to begin with, and if they didn't conform to the directions from the organization, then, by default, they thereby manifested that they were never actually of the anointed (an individual experience, measured by organizational consequences). (1 John 2:19)

    Over the last 50 years, the WTS has always maintained that the validity of asserting "I'm of the anointed" is a statement that goes beyond the bounds of any human to pass certain judgment. Therefore, even though the 'influx' of anointed ones at certain times (for example, during the expansions of the WTS into South American and South African cultures) has been superficially explained away as residual emotional effects of the Babylonish religions from which such claimants derived, nevertheless it's basically a "hands-off" policy.

    As a personal experience, I knew a "young one" of the anointed, from my brief period in Palmdale, California. Dan Foley (sp?) was at Bethel in the late 60s, and became the Ministry School Overseer at the Brooklyn Heights congregation, and, one evening, as I stood in the back of the Brooklyn KH, he gave Fred Franz a "W" on one of Fred's talks! Everybody laughed. Dan ended up leaving Bethel, to serve as a special pioneer in one of the New England areas. Word was that he'd found Bethel unfulfilling to his "call." I paid him $5 for the glass top to his work desk.

  • onacruse

    I remember now..he was Dan Smoley.

    Anybody up NE-way know of him?

  • Quandry

    few will still be alive in the flesh and must yet finish their earthly course.

    And just how do they know this--did they say? Never might--silly me--of course not.

    It seems to me that I read some time back that they didn't know if there would be any of the "Annointed" still alive at the time of the big A and then they came out with the "nethinim" because the GB geezers needed help.

    The poster was right that said that the annointed seem to be baaaaad people, always needing to be replaced by new, young ones. For only 144,000 there seem to be replacements after replacements through the years since Jesus first chose them!!!

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