Sex in the Organization

by Save My Soul 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    I've known of wife swapping and caught a married elders son in a strip club. I found out years after I left, from other souces that left, that there was plenty of sex going on within our congregation including the the solicitation of prostitutes. F- - - - - - g Hippocrates.

  • JamieL

    I think it isn't any worse than any where else, it's just the hypocrisy of the supposedly clean organization.

    I knew a couple guys that were rumored to have sex with all sorts of non-witness girls by going to all sorts of concerts and pimping their virginity status and wanting to lose it to someone "special" just to hook up.

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul

    I am also curious, How do you know about the pioneer sister doing it for years and "it being undiscovered?"

    I used too date 3 of them. No activity with me (I was sincere and young), but we remained friends through the years. One has traveled the world going to assemblies, preaching and witness group trips. Now she is over 40 (an old maid in the witness world). Last week she told me while in Europe about smoking pot and other wild activities. Locally, she has a main squeeze who is a MS. One is not a pioneer but again, has a companion at work that she dates regularly and is active with. The other told me of her activities many years ago when I was single, but now is very old and still very single. She mentioned of it happening only twice with others back then, but made a proposition nonetheless. She was the faithful pioneer sister who started prior to 1975.

    While single (prior to marriage) I had the convertible car, on district assemby parts, started pioneering in 11th grade....yada, yada..yada. I made a lot of close friends, some still have trusted me with their secrets. Working the pioneer desk at an assembly as an 18 YO, sisters would offer me the invitation to help them with their time after work. I later found out many of these women were active in a very bad way. Most were DF.

    While in HS I knew the prom was out. Many youths in my hall (4 congs.) went with worldly people and got hotel rooms. Some of the elders children were privately reproved. One elder forgot to take down his son's prom picture from his mantle as he did for (every bookstudy) over 10 months. Some considered it a coming out part never to return to a meeting. One of the latter was arrested during the 1992 LA riots and went to prision...and remains there.

    Again, now as an adult, most couples are discovered after about 2-3 years. Some women that are friends of my wife are sexually active, but felt it was ok, because they married the man. I personally know of about 10 women that were active but married the man.

    Private reproof was also used for favorites and elders children. They would not comment for a few months, but go to the Meeting for Service every weekend, only to make RV's alone, then get everything back after 3-4 months.

  • anewme

    Good grief. If I knew of this kind of gross hypocrisy going on I would have been stumbled and left the organization immediately.


  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul

    I think it isn't any worse than any where else, it's just the hypocrisy of the supposedly clean organization.

    I agree, it is the same everywhere, no different. People have learned to cover it up better. Kinda like when you go to the hospital, most of my friends say christian to prevent an unwanted visit.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Sex in the Organization, is that not an oxymoron. The only sex I knew being in the organization was, lights out, missionary position only sex.


  • bikerchic


    Bikerchick, "menage de twa" is in fact "menage a trois" which means a threesome having sex. Very naughty for a JW.

    thanks greendawn for the spelling correction I couldn't find it in the dictionary because I couldn't spell it! Yes very naughty, shame on them!


    I think it isn't any worse than any where else, it's just the hypocrisy of the supposedly clean organization.

    I totally agree with this!

  • JamieL

    Sex in the Organization, is that not an oxymoron. The only sex I knew being in the organization was, lights out, missionary position only sex.


    LMAO. Yeah, I think when I first had sex (well the first time was me getting oral from a sister) but I didn't even consider missionary with the lights out, comeon doggystyle with the blinds open for all to see.

    I think we went to Priscillas every week to see what else we could come up with. Good times....


    Despite all the articles and talks lately about how oral sex is still porneia I know for a fact that many of the JW youth's are still doing it.

    The reason's: They don't study themselves so they dont know its fornication, their parents don't study with them so they don't know its fornication, they don't pay attention at meetings where its said that oral is porneia.

    I can only conclude that today's JW youth's simply dont give a rat's ass about the "truth" anymore.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I was raised a Dub, so as a teenager, the only part of me that got fooked was my brain - socially repressed, to say the least. I wasn't even a part of the young crowd in my congregation, so I have no idea whatsoever about what might have gone on. Certainly I never got any.

    One time, though, at a circuit assembly, I got a glimpse of what might have been possible. I was with a small group of "kids" from within the circuit, some who I didn't even know the names of, and one of the nameless girls said, "You can't rape the willing." To this day her comment sticks with me, and I wonder what she meant by it.

    Later, when I was in my 20s and pioneering, word spread that one of the young women in my congregation - I'll call her Judy - had grown unhappy with her worldly husband; he wasn't giving her the satisfaction she sought. So she sought it elsewhere, first trying a few of the young men from the Kingdom Hall, but ultimately hooking up with yet another worldly guy from the 'hood. Judy was (IMHO) quite an attractive gal. One time in service she asked me if I liked "zaftig" girls. I didn't know what the word meant at the time.


    (zäfÆtik, -tig), adj.Slang.


    (of a woman) having a pleasantly plump figure.


    full-bodied; well-proportioned.

    She was quite nicely zaftig... too bad she didn't explain herself better. She was disfellowshipped for seeking some satisfaction in her life, and she accepted the condemnation, over-indulging in alcohol and becoming rather dissipated in the years that followed. I don't know what came of her, but I fear it was not good. Here's to "sweet Judy blue eyes"...

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