Tarot card in What Does The Bible Really Teach.

by DeusMauzzim 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • DeusMauzzim

    Look at this illustration from p101 of the What Does The Bible Really Teach book - It's the chapter about evil spirits and stuff :)

    The guy has - of all cards! - the Tower card in his right hand (see the other images for details of the card)

    Quote from Wikipedia:

    Many differing meanings are attributed to the card:

    • To some, It symbolises failure, ruin and catastrophe.
    • To others, the Tower represents the Paradigms constructed by the Ego, the sum total of all Schema which the mind constructs to understand the universe. The Tower is struck by lightning when Reality does not conform to expectation.
    • Epiphanies, transcendental states of consciousness, and Kundalini experiences may result.
    • The Tower further symbolizes that moment in Trance in which the mind actually changes the direction of the force of attention from alpha condition (pointed mindward) to theta condition (pointed imaginal stageward) Theta Condition (Especially in waking versions of Theta states) is that moment when information incoming to the ego mind overwhelms external or sensory stimulus, resulting in what might otherwise be called a "Vision", or "Halucination."
    • Each card in the Major Arcana is a result of the previous. After the self bondage of The Devil life is self correcting. Either the querant needs to make changes in their own life or they will be made for them.
    • The Querrant may be holding on to false ideas or pretenses; a new approach to thinking about the problem is needed. The Querrant is advised to think outside the box. The Querrant is warned that truth may not oblige schema. It may be time for the Querrant to re-examine belief structures, ideaologies, and paradigms they participate in. Card may also point towards seeking education or higher knowledge.

    Interesting interpretations.. What do you think? Coincidence, or someone at the WatchTOWER venting his frustration? :P


    Deus Mauzzim

    P.S I'm not into tarot, and certainly don't believe it's demon-inspired hehe

    P.P.S The old french name for this card is 'Maison Dieu' - House of God' .. Now of what does that remind you? ;)

  • LittleToe

    Well spotted.

    It looks like a Rider Waite Deck. He has "The Tower"16 in his right hand. In his left hand is a spread of three cards: "The Devil"15, "Temperance"14 (I think, as it's a little obscure), and on the top "Death"13.

    It looks like they bought a pack, found Death and the following three cards, placing the last card of the four (The Tower) in the right hand. If it isn't intentional then it's a very interesting faux pas.

  • Pleasuredome

    i noticed the same thing in another book a few years ago...


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    It looks like a Rider Waite Deck. He has "The Tower"16 in his right hand. In his left hand is a spread of three cards: "The Devil"15, "Temperance"14 ( I think, as it's a little obscure ), and on the top "Death"13.

    It looks like they bought a pack, found Death and the following three cards, placing the last card of the four ( The Tower ) in the right hand. If it isn't intentional then it's a very interesting faux pas.

    or it could be those demunz

  • RAF

    Certainly not coincidence tarots (every image is very representative of its meaning) So ... we know they like to tease us with images ...

    Now about the meaning for instance (when Ego is involved in the tarot it can be yours on somebody else one) it work in tarot and is related to numerology

    For instance :

    1 = Ego
    2 = Activity (also the couple)
    so 12 (what we call Le PENDU / HUNG UP?) = Ego in activity means (you can’t go further = Barrier)

    Then if about 16 and 15 for instance

    6 = Love (of anything of any kind - in quantity/a lot and also not really knowing what you love)
    so 16 (what we call La TOUR DIEU/ THE TOWER) = Ego shut you down in your expections

    5 = Excess
    so 15 (what we call Le DIABLE/THE DEVIL) = Excessive ego in action

    and so on …

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