Watchtower's Tarot Message

by Pleasuredome 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pleasuredome

    i noticed in a WTS book ( i think it may have been 'you can live forever' book) a picture page about spiritism where there were 3 tarot cards shown. i just wondered about these subliminal pics and that maybe if sublims' were used maybe a deliberate message was used in the tarot cards shown. if anyone can find this page for me and put up a image of it onto this thread i would be grateful.

    here's the 3 cards that were shown and the meanings of those cards. some of the meanings may strike a chord with you.


    Basic Symbols

    A tower on a rocky outcropping, a powerful bolt of lightning, one or two figures falling from the tower, sometimes waves crashing below.

    Basic Story

    As the Fool leaves the throne of the Goat God, he comes upon a Tower, fantastic, magnificent, and familiar. In fact, The Fool, himself, helped build this Tower back when the most important thing to him was making his mark on the world and proving himself better than other men. Inside the Tower, at the top, arrogant men still live, convinced of their rightness. Seeing the Tower again, the Fool feels as if lightning has just flashed across his mind; he thought he'd left that old self behind when he started on this spiritual journey. But he realizes now that he hasn't. He's been seeing himself, like the Tower, like the men inside, as alone and singular and superior, when in fact, he is no such thing. So captured is he by the shock of this insight, that he opens his mouth and releases a SHOUT! And to his astonishment and terror, as if the shout has taken form, a bolt of actual lightning slashes down from the heavens, striking the Tower and sending its residents leaping out into the waters below.

    In a moment, it is over. The Tower is rubble, only rocks remaining. Stunned and shaken to the core, the Fool experiences grief, profound fear and disbelief. But also, a strange clarity of vision, as if his inner eye has finally opened. He tore down his resistance to change and sacrifice (Hanged man), then broke free of his fear and preconceptions of death (Death); he dissolved his belief that opposites cannot be merged (Temperance) and shattered the chains of ambition and desire (The Devil). But here and now, he has done what was hardest: destroyed the lies he held about himself. What's left is the bare, absolute truth. On this he can rebuild his soul.

    Basic Meaning

    With Mars as its ruling planet, the Tower is a card about war, a war between the structures of lies and the lightning flash of truth. The Tower, as Wang points out, stands for "false concepts and institutions that we take for real." When the Querent gets this card, they can expect to be shaken up, to be blinded by a shocking revelation. It sometimes takes that to see a truth that one refuses to see. Or to bring down beliefs that are so well constructed. What's most important to remember is that the tearing down of this structure, however painful, makes room for something new to be built.

    Thirteen's Observations

    No card scares a Tarot reader like the Tower - or the person they're reading for if that person knows anything about Tarot cards. It is however one of the clearest cards when it comes to meaning. False structures, false institutions, false beliefs are going to come tumbling down, suddenly, violently and all at once. What's important to remember as a tarot reader is that the one you're reading for likely does not know that something is false. Not yet. To the contrary, they probably believe that their lover is being faithful, that their religious beliefs are true and right, that there are no problems in their family structure, that everything is fine at work...oh, and that they're fine. Just fine, really.

    Alas, they're about to get a very rude awakening. Shaken up, torn down, blown asunder. And all a reader can really do to soften the blow is assure the Querent that it is for the best. Nothing built on a lie, on falsehoods, can remain standing for long. Better to tear it all down and rebuild on the truth. It is not going to be pleasant or painless or easy, but it will be for the best.


    Basic Symbols

    An angel or cupid, a man and a woman, two trees (in Waite, it is Adam & Eve with one tree having a serpent and apples) - in some decks one tree is flowering, but the other has fruit. Also in some decks there is a man standing between two women.

    Basic Story

    The Fool comes to a cross-roads, filled with energy, confidence and purpose, knowing exactly where he wants to go and what he wants to do. And comes to a dead stop. A flowering tree marks the path he wants to take, the one he's been planning on taking. But standing before a fruit tree marking the other path is a woman. He's met and had relationships with women before, some far more beautiful and alluring. But she is different. Seeing her, he feels as though he's just been shot in the heart with cupid's arrow, so shocking, so painful is his "recognition" of her. As he speaks with her, the feeling intensifies; like finding a missing part of himself, a part he's been searching for his life long. It is clear that she feels the same about him. They finish each others sentences, think the same thoughts. It is as if an Angel above had introduced their souls to each other. Though it was his plan to follow the path of the flowering tree, and though it will cause some trouble for him to bring this woman with him, to go somewhere else entirely, the Fool knows he dare not leave her behind. Like the fruit tree, she will fulfill him. No matter how divergent from his original intent, she is his future. He chooses her, and together they head down a whole new road.

    Basic Meaning

    Originally, this card was called just LOVE. And that's actually more apt than "Lovers." Love follows in this sequence of growth and maturity. And, coming after the Emperor, who is about control, it is a radical change in perspective. LOVE is a force that makes you choose and decide for reasons you often can't understand; it makes you surrender control to a higher power. And that is what this card is all about. Finding something or someone who is so much a part of yourself, so perfectly attuned to you and you to them, that you cannot, dare not resist. In interpetation, the card indicates that the querent has come across, or will come across a person, career, challenge or thing that they will fall in love with. They will know instinctively that they must have this, even if it means diverging from their chosen path. No matter the difficulties, without it they will never be complete.

    Thirteen's Observations

    The Lovers is a confusing card as it is ruled not by an emotional water sign but by airy Gemini. The original trump featured a man and a woman with a cupid above them about to shoot his dart. Later this became three figures, the interpetation being a man choosing between two women, or a man meeting his true love with the help of a matchmaker. Still later, with Waite, we have an Angel above Adam and Eve. The Angel stands for Raphael, who is emblematic of Mercury and Air, planet and element of Gemini. Gemini is the communications sign. It's all about messages and making contact; also, as it is the twins, about finding your other self. In this regard, you can see that the Lovers begins to make sense. Especially if you change it back to "LOVE." Here is a card about perfect communication, about finding something your soul requires. In this regard, its most common interpetation about being "A Choice" makes sense. When this card appears, you are being told to trust you instincts, to choose this career, challenge, person or thing you're so strongly drawn to, no matter how scary, how difficult, irrational or troublesome. Because without it, you will never be wholly you. It's sudden and unexpected, and it means a compete change in plans; but this is LOVE.


    Basic Symbols

    Skeletal Death, black robes or armor, sometimes with a scythe or a flag featuring a white rose on a desolate black field. There is often a rising sun. Sometimes there are other figures in the field. The most common, reoccurring figure on Death cards is a child.

    Basic Story

    Having left the tree from where he hung, the Fool moves carefully through an fallow field, head still clearing from visions. The air is cold and wintery, the trees bare. Before him, he sees, rising with the sun, a skeleton in black armor mounted on a white horse. He recognizes it as Death. As it stops before him, he humbly asks, "Have I died?" He feels, in fact, rather empty and desolate. And the Skeleton answers, "Yes, in a way. You sacrificed your old world, your old self. Both are gone, dead." The Fool reflects on that, "How sad." Death acknowledges this with a nod. "Yes, but it is the only way to be reborn. A new Sun is rising, and it is, for you, a time of great transformation." As Death rides away, the Fool can feel the truth in those words. He, too, feels like a skeleton, all that he was stripped away. This, he understands, is how all great transformations start, by stripping things to the bone, and building fresh upon the bare foundations.

    Basic Meaning

    Yes, the Death card can signal a death in the right circumstances (a question about a very sick or old relative, for example), but unlike its dramatic presentation in the movies, the Death card is far more likely to signal transformation, passage, change. Scorpio, the sign of this card, has three forms: scorpion, serpent, eagle. The Death card indicates this transition from lower to higher to highest. This is a card of humility, and it may indicate the Querent as being brought low, but only so that they can then go higher than they ever have before. Wang notes that Death "humbles" all, but it also "exults." Always keep in mind that on this card of darkness there is featured a sunrise as well .

    Thirteen's Observations

    The connection of sex and death in Scorpio (the sign stands for both) is a strong indication of what this card is all about. We westerners see "Death" as a frightening card because we often see Death as an end, and we hate for things to come to an end. However, in other traditions, Death is just a natural and important, if sad part of an on-going cycle. In a karmic sense, you die so that you may be reborn. Winter comes so that there can be a spring, and we can only appreciate what we have when we know that there is loss. The Death card signals such things. This is a time of change. Time for something to end; but time also for something new to begin. The Querent may honestly be told that they may feel sad or empty, low, but that this will give him a way to rise again, like a phoenix from the ashes. Death is not the end. It is only the precursor to resurrection.

    One important section of Golden Dawn Enochian magic deals with what are known as the “Watchtowers.” The powers of Watchtowers are centered on four grids of squares and letters known as the “Watchtower Tablets” or the “Elemental Tablets” because they relate to the four directions of east, west, north, and south, as well as the four elements of Air, Water, Earth, and Fire. A fifth Tablet, known as the Tablet of Union, is attributed to the ruling element of Spirit. These Tablets contain various divine names associated with the elements, as well as the names of numerous angels, archangels, governors, seniors, elemental beings, and spiritual dominions known as aethyrs

    The Golden Dawn developed the Enochian system into a comprehensive system for practical magic that includes basic ritual work, meditation, angelic invocations, evocation of spirits, consecration of magical tools and talismans, divination, spiritual development, astral projection, and Skrying in the Spirit Vision. Some of the highest teachings of the Golden Dawn include skrying into the various squares (or pyramids) of the Enochian Watchtower Tablets. The Enochian Watchtower Tarot was specifically created for all of these magical uses.

  • rocketman


  • Pleasuredome

    bloody hell, you read quick rocketman.

  • manon

    Interestingly revealing, I wonder why only the major arcana?

  • sf

    Alex' FAQ Open this result in new window
    ... Freemasonry, etc -, ... example, Kraig introduces the Watchtower Ritual, and ... Supreme Pentagram Ritual with Enochian names - but ... cached | more results from this site Open this result in new window
    ... printed material that was less than favourable to Freemasonry. ... us that Mizpah in Hebrew translates into Watchtower. ... societies and New Agers is Enochian magick. ... cached

    Chapter 4 Open this result in new window
    ... sex magic is performed entitled Freemasonry Universal, Vol. ... The Watchtower Society leadership is a front for a ... of the Illuminati which practices Enochian Magic ... cached

    Just a few 'hits' of many more on the above search link.


  • gitasatsangha

    on a slightly off-note, has the Society ever used the phrases "God of Our Heart" or "God of your Heart?"

    just curious.

  • gitasatsangha

    on a slightly off-note, has the Society ever used the phrases "God of Our Heart" or "God of your Heart?"

    just curious.

  • manon

    For further looksee check out:
    Watchtower oddities/Watchtower Society & Occult Association By B.J. Kotwall

  • Pleasuredome

    this is the picture from page 97 of the 'live forever' book.

    notice this magical chart with an 8 leaf in the middle. while trying to find this chart on google, i found a magic site which had the tetragrammaton. so i did a search on tetragrammaton in images, and found many pentagrams and other magic symbols, which had the yhwh, jehova or the tetragrammaton. i wonder why the WTS were so obsessed with the tetragrammaton? the person who put this chart on this page obviously knew their subject quite well.

  • searchfothetruth

    From the three cards, my psycic third eye tells me:

    LOVE the watchTOWER or DIE.

    Or maybe i'm just as mad as everyone thinks

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