Would you join a "Letters to the Editor" Campaign?

by LennyinBluemont 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • LennyinBluemont

    I just finished reading Randy’s thread (

    http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/128072/1.ashx) . It occurs to me that his initial post here, with a bit of re-wording and reducing it to maybe three short paragraphs, would make an excellent Letter to the Editor of our local papers. What if we all embarked on a letter-writing campaign to our local papers, using this as a basis? Wouldn’t it be cool if we all coordinated it to send them out on the same day? And maybe coordinate it to immediately preceed some special WT campaign, or the airing of "Knockers", "Knocking" on PBS? Just imagine the impact, a week before that propaganda piece airs on PBS, newpapers across the United States, England and Australia, in small communities and large cities, have this letter printed. Hey, it’s something we could do and if we do it in concert, like a blitzkreig, the effect of the whole may be greater than the sum of its parts. Each of us could sign the letter with our name, and then, "Jehovah’s Witness for 30 years," or something similar to add legitimacy. Of course, if we don’t want to reveal our identity, we could sign it, "Jehovah’s Witness for 30 years. Anonymous due to fear of reprisals." All comments in the letter should be well-supported by evidence, not hearsay, and the tone should have community appeal. We do have power, people. They know we are their worst nightmare, if we can get enough public attention. Maybe if we did it soon enough, and concentrate on the PBS airing, we could encourage readers to call or write their local PBS station and ask them why they would air such a one-sided program.


  • Junction-Guy

    My local paper is reluctant to picking up Jw stories. I live in the same state as Barbara Anderson, and they still havent ran that story yet, even after I called them. It's making me mad, and Im also wondering if a JW works in the newsroom. The next time they call me up wanting me to subscribe to their paper, Im gonna give them a piece of my mind.

  • Emma

    I'll send one. Are you going to write a template or ready letter?

    Since being thorougly "outed" this fall, I have absolutely nothing to lose.

  • Abandoned

    Hey, this sounds fun. Are we going to send in our letters on the same day? We could be like an army of locusts....

  • J-ex-W

    The link doesn't work when I try it, but if you provide a template, I'd certainly be willing to look at it. I think it's a fantastic idea!

  • PEC

    I'm in.

  • LennyinBluemont

    I think there is a common sentiment among many of us that we would just like to "do something" to expose this organization. Here is an easy way that could prove very effective. But I confess I am disappointed that so few have responded. Is it because many of us have become apathetic after such a depressing experience? Surely, judging by the number of posts on this site, we could generate hundreds, if not thousands of letters to our local papers, protesting this one-sided "documentary" that may well result in many more becoming captive, as it lends a powerful air of legitimacy to what we all know is a dangerous farce. I'd love for someone to explain to me the lack of enthusiasm I see for any type of united activism against the WT by former members. We have a powerful tool in this forum, as it has brought us together. Will we use it simply to chat with one another? Does no one else see a larger purpose that may be served? Will we just curse the darkness? Or will we light a candle? I was thinking more like a bonfire.

    In the meantime, for those who are interested, we must have some good writers out there. Why not put something together and post it? While we could use this as a skeleton outline for our letter, it should also have a personal touch, with a tone that makes it clear we are a member of the local community voicing our concern. Thank you to those who have responded.


  • LennyinBluemont
  • Junction-Guy

    Letters to the editor would be effective for me, however my local paper doesnt run too many JW stories, and it ticks me off.------- I imagine alot of people on here have done letter campaigns and email campaigns, but I can imagine it gets discouraging when few respond back.-----By the way keep me in mind when you start to film for your documetary, I want to give my story.

  • sf

    Respectfully, there are many ways YOU can get this news out to YOUR communities and their CHILDREN.

    If your news agencies WON'T cover it. YOU can. YOU have that FREEDOM OF PRESS TOO.

    So don't sit around waiting for a news org to report NEWSWORTHY NEWS that effects YOUR communities children.

    I loved this part of Marci's article. She writes:

    "The COURT reasoned that the topics addressed were NEWSWORTHY, and a matter of PUBLIC INTEREST, and that the stories discussing these topics contained legitimate legal analysis."

    When sending this out and printing it up for distribution, I recommend highlighting this paragragh of the article so that the news agency see's it and hopefully will not deny it.

    Happy trails!!


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