If you are here because you have doubts..Then you MUST read this!!!

by Lady Liberty 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Friends,

    I tried to copy and paste for you the information, but the server won't allow it. So please click on this link. http://www.607v587.com/

    Happy reading..


    Lady Liberty

  • SirNose586

    That website was pivotal in leading me here. Here I found someone with the same doubts as myself, and he went and did much more research than I did. He wrote the WTS and all they could say in response was "well, maybe Ptolomy faked how long the kings reigned" and proceeded to quote themselves in order to support the 607 date.

    Their response told me everything I needed to know. The rest was academic.

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    I too found this website informative and it was the first time I realised that I had been lied to! To all lurkers please read this link.

  • lurker

    This persons website was what got me thinking. I had searched and searched to try and prove 607 when I saw this material and the letters from the Watchtower I knew that they were wrong. I am still trying to get my wife to research it but so far she is totally against it. She beleives that if the society/ GB are wrong they will pay with their lives at armageddon. I really think that like so many others she is afraid of learning the truth and will lose everything that she has known. I am trying to patiently wait but beleive me it is agonizing. As for me I will continue to help her but I will never again be held captive to man. I only hope that the issues in the courts will do signifigant damage to the society. Lurker

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Lurker said,

    She beleives that if the society/ GB are wrong they will pay with their lives at armageddon.

    If they are wrong, there will be no armageddon.

    How could they be just a "little bit" wrong?

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    I am still trying to get my wife to research it but so far she is totally against it. She beleives that if the society/ GB are wrong they will pay with their lives at armageddon.

    Dear Lurker,

    My Grandmother told me the same exact thing. I told her that it wasn't as simple as that. Things may be fine if you take that approach for now, but what happens when the day comes, heaven forbid, and her life depends on wether or not she will follow a ever changing policy. For example: if she is hospitalized, and needs blood. Think of how many ones in the past who rejected any form of blood, who died. What of those family members left alive when they now see the policy has changed and fractions are now ok. How are they supposed to feel having grown up without a father or a mother, wife or husband etc.. and now realise that their loved one could have taken a fraction and if they had they would be alive right now? Or take organ transplants for instance, how do you think family members of those who stood up for that policy now feel when taking a organ transplant is now not canabalism but is a conscience matter?? How would you like to be the one whos mate, child or sibling died for that stand only to wake up to a new magazine saying it is now a conscience matter? I gaurentee that happened to more then just a few people. Was that from Jehovah or Jesus?? I told her that if the governing body IS wrong, then thousands of lives are at stake everyday. Don't you think you owe it to your family to do a little more then just brush it off with a "well if they are wrong they are going to die at armegedon" attitude??

    I also asked her "How am I supposed to in good conscience before Jehovah go teach people things I know are not truthful? Example 607?" She reasoned to me that the ones writing the magazines are responsible for what are in them. That if we placed them we wouldn't accountable before God because we were just doing what we were told." I asked her " Do you really believe we wouldn't be accountable if after finding out the truth continued to perpetuate a lie??" She couldn't answer that. I told her, " My conscience won't allow it! I still have to answer to Jehovah for my actions, and I refuse to deliberately teach people a lie".

    Her reasoning blew me away. Regarding the killing of millions of Jews in Germany it was later said," We were just following orders.." .

    I think you are absolutely right Lurker..they are scared to death to look at what we are saying for fear we really are right. In fact very recently in a very lengthy and in depth conversation with my grandmother, she admitted to me that she doesn't doubt that what we have found is factual. If she was younger, wasn't a widow, and had other friends other then those in the organization, she would most likely look into what we are saying and would no doubt feel the same way as us. But she continued to explain to me that this was her life, and she was too old to change. She likes her life, likes her friends, and doesn't want to upset it. I told her I could live with that as long as she could respect the fact that my conscience before Jehovah and Jesus would not allow me to do that. I think it was a very big accomplishment. We finally came to an understanding.

    Anyhow.. just thought I would share. Don't give up on your wife though. Hang in there and be patient as you know it is terrifying to even think there maybe something wrong with everything you hold dear.


    Lady Liberty

  • rassillon

    That website was important to me as well.

    The dishonesty of the society's letters told the story.

  • Mad

    Yeesh! Can't ANYONE look past the faults of the Organization- and just focus on scripture? I realize that understanding prophecy is a circus, with all imaginations in overdrive- but not the rest! The AbSOLUTE date of the fall of Babylon is 539 BC. (Absolute meaning that there is NO disagreement by historians!) The scriptures record that the Jews would be captive for 70 years (let me know if I need to look up the scriptures for you!). Adding that to the 539= 609 BC. Time is counted Remember how the decree was made that the Jews were to be released? The scriptures thell us it took 2 years for the Jews to organize & get the things they needed before they left for Jerusalem- 607 BC.

    The discrepency is HISTORIANS- who GUESS at the time the Jews left based on ambiguous archaeological findings- rather than all the detail in the scriptures.

    I trust the SCRIPTURAL details over their guesses...


  • AlmostAtheist

    >>The AbSOLUTE date of the fall of Babylon is 539 BC. (Absolute meaning that there is NO disagreement by historians!)

    >> The discrepency is HISTORIANS- who GUESS at the time the Jews left

    >>I trust the SCRIPTURAL details over their guesses...

    But the "absolute" date of 539 comes from those very historians, doesn't it? Why accept one year as absolute while rejecting the other as a "guess", based on men's interpretation of the Bible?

    After all, these are the same men that called 1914 the end of the world, declaring it "God's Date", yet it didn't come to pass. They admit they can be wrong, and if history disagrees with their assertions, then couldn't this be one of their times to be wrong?

    Mad, have you read the material at the site LadyL listed? It's worth peeking at. (Totally love your avatar, by the way!)


  • Lady Liberty

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