Does this bug you???

by Sunnygal41 11 Replies latest social current

  • Sunnygal41

    When a party on the telephone asks you for the number of some other business? This happens to me constantly, and, it DRIVES me nuts!!!! It's like, hey, I've got my own work to's about dialing the local information line? They get PAID to look up numbers for people like you!!! Amazing, new concept!!!!

    Anybody else have this gripe?

  • Emma

    I get it all the time. Most of the time it doesn't bother me too much, but if I'm busy, I want to tell them it's as much work for me to look it up as them!

  • Sunnygal41

    Emma, that's exactly how I feel..........I think it's expecting a bit much, quite frankly. One time, when I worked for the City, I was accused of being "lazy" because I wouldn't look the number up.........meanwhile, this lady was comfortably ensconced at home.........yeah, call me at the Board of Ed for help with snow plowing expect me to know the extension for Public Works, which is part of Town Hall........not the Board of Ed...........or, even worse........I work for a bus me for our schedule to the casino, then, when I explain that we don't go to THAT particular casino, another company does, have the nerve to ask me for THEIR number.........

  • I.Wonder

    Yes this happens alot! People call our business line, find out they got the wrong number and then they ask "Could you look the number up for me?" If I am not to busy I will. Most of the calls are for people who are trying to get ahold of Social Services. Our county is known for people who abuse the system, sometimes I want to tell them to quit being so damn lazy and look the number up themselves. But I could never actually say that because who I am to judge them? Some really do need assistance and I would feel terrible if I offended someone who was truly in need.


  • JeffT

    Depends on the nature of my business and their question. I really appreciate it if I'm calling a hotel four hundred miles away to book a room for valentine's day and they can give me another number if they're booked.

  • juni

    Yeah happened quite a bit. Irritating. But I was so busy I grew another hand. Quick used the Rolodex and on to the next project.


  • Snoozy

    Well I don't work (retired) so no it doesn't bother me..

    But it does bother me when they ask me for my phone number in department stores..and the 5 or 10 other customers hear you announce your phone number to them..

    I think I will start following a friend's advice and tell them the number is unlisted..

    Snoozy..who only gives her number out to friends and relatives...

    Edited to add..Working in a bank we were expected to bend over backwards for the we called the information center a lot..especially we would have to call the SS office...and be on hold for a half hour.

  • evetteto

    Well, me being a former info operator and holding the highest accolades nationwide in my company was more than happy to assist a customer in every way possible. Sometimes (all the time ), people wld call not knowing the name of a business, or tell you its right on the corner I'm standing down the street form it, or the most nonsensible request, I just love helping people. You never know what their situation is, take is as a compliment. You never know when you will need the help from others that you deem a ridiculous request. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you!

  • Sunnygal41

    I truly appreciate all the input from everyone, thank you for sharing your thoughts!

    Perhaps I sound like a real witch, but, I'm not, really..........well, maybe around Halloween........anyhoo, I've held many many jobs interacting with the public. When I can, and have time, I am as helpful as the next person, but, when I am up to my eyeballs taking reservations, or, when I was working for the Board of Ed and it was our busy time with parents lined up in the lobby waiting for their turn with you, it was not possible. I have learned to say as politely as possible that I cannot assist them with that, but, I'm sure that the local phone info line can.


  • FlyingHighNow

    My very wise and kind friend Dixie used to tell her children, when they asked her do things they could or should do for themselves, "Don't ask me to do anything you can do for yourself."

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