Convention Feedback

by slimboyfat 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat

    Has anyone been involved in Convention feedback for the society? Apparently the society does actually seek a response from 'focus group' (if you will) after each Convention to see how various aspects were received. From what I heard many of the comments can be quite frank: i.e. "boring", "superficial", "not very practical" and so on.

    When I heard about this arrangement I was a firm believer and my instinctive response was: "Why does the society need this? They are directed by Jehovah - they shouldn't be looking to the brothers for advice!" Now that I am a semi-apostate I think that the problem, from a practical viewpoint, is rather that they apparently do not take such feedback seriously enough.


  • juni

    I don't know or heard of that, but am curious to read reponses. It does seem odd if the holy spirit is directing the giving out of spiritual food at the proper time why would they ask for a "rating".


  • OnTheWayOut

    If you are feeding the proper food at the proper time, you can't really ask the domestics if
    it should be changed. All research should be before the talks, so that the researchers are
    sure that it's understandable and fits the time-frame. I guess that only a mind-control cult
    would need to make sure the rank & file get the point, and are properly manipulated.

  • Undecided

    I have a few tapes that I made back in 1970 at a district assembly and haven't listened to a one yet. If I can stand it I might listen to one to remind me what it was like. Actually I kind of enjoyed some of the assemblies when I didn't volunteer, I could sit for days and didn't have to do any theocratic duties.

    When I was in my teens it was fun looking for pretty girls to sit with and I got to travel to cities I would have never seen. If you think right you can find something good in almost anything.

    Ken P.

  • Junction-Guy

    That's something new to me, I didnt know they had feeback sessions.

  • Mariusuk.

    For originality - F

    For indoctrination, utilising the opportunity to warn against the dangers of the internet and for a pioneer recruitment drive - A

    No different to the last one i went to 1992 really, except for the demographics

  • james_woods

    Scientology does this continuously - they call it "Auditing". And they charge you more for it than any C.P.A. ever did. It is to keep you in line.

    I must say that I have never heard of such a thing before (in JW land) - if it is true, then it is probably a control play for certain hand-picked people. Like posted, maybe they want them to pioneer, or maybe they are trying to spy out possible dissenters.

    BTW, SBF - if you are invited to be a focus group delegate, I think I would keep quiet on the "semi-apostate" thing!!! To them, that is like being semi-pregnant or semi-radioactive! But, thanks for the information, especially if you can get some confirmation of an official or printed nature.

  • lurker

    Having been in oversight at District Conventions I have had to fill out forms describing the work habits of the other department heads. I know that this is done at every district convention. There are also other focus groups if you will that are used in the congregations that most do not know about.

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