2 day assembly

by thebiggestlie 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • thebiggestlie

    uggggh.... this is assembly weekend for me.... It's a funny feeling being in a hall with 800 brainwashed people feeling like your the only one who doesn't buy into the "truth"...,

  • lovelylil

    my condolances to you. Lilly

  • tetrapod.sapien

    i hear you! when i was first getting free mentally, but still going to meetings and assemblies, i had feelings just like that. it's partly creepy. partley fascinating, the psychology of it all.

    i remember pretending to sing, but just listening to everyone else sing. and during the prayers i would look around at everyone. that was way weird. ha ha! it seems like it's all so far away now.

    best luck on your journey,


  • Schism

    LOL, I see you have been posting

    Who knows? Maybe there's one other person there who is doing the same thing as you and watching in horror at the zombie party? It's always possible!

  • lovelylil


    I hear you! The last few meetings I attended, I swear I felt like I was in a bad Twilight Zone episode. Lilly

  • thebiggestlie

    I wish i could do something to free them all... like run up on stage push the DO aside and give a long "it's a conspiracy wake up!" speech.... i'd probably get tackled though hehe

  • thebiggestlie

    yuppies schizm i'm here sorta.... maybe there is someone else... i wish. It's so crazy

  • blondie

    Bring something else to do:

    1) bring another translation of the Bible and notice the differences

    2) Bring a radio to pick up the talks and listen to a ball game or your favorite music instead.

    3) Take frequent walks and potty breaks

    4) Make laundry lists, shopping lists, to do project lists

    5) Learn how to play word games using just paper and pencil

    Any other suggestions

  • thebiggestlie

    thats a good list. I've pulled off the portable radio trick in the past and i'm well aware of the bible issue....sudoku sonds good to me...

  • Schism

    lol Blondie! My mother would have killed me if she caught me doing any of your suggestions, even as a married adult! I did manage to take frequent bathroom breaks for this last assembly, although she figured out that my spouse and I were just trying to get away from hearing the talks and she made both of us go sit back down No fair...

    I had to spend my time staring at people instead. Hey, add that to the list!

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